The main significance of the Rakhi celebration is to spread love and affection and bind the sister’s hand with the brother’s on the auspicious occasion of Rakhi. According to the olden tradition, sisters tie Rakhi strings on the brother’s wrist, swearing by the lord that they will keep away from all evil and refrain from taking evil revenge and abuse. In return, the brother vows to protect his sister from everything that can harm her.
Rakhi is a festival that has been celebrated for centuries and is celebrated in different parts of India and Nepal. It is one of the most joyous festivals, full of grand splendor and gaiety, and the celebration is marked with colorful Rakhi Day dresses, Rakhi songs, Rakhi sweets, and much more.
Ever want to know about Raksha Bandhan? Here is a list of 50 facts about Raksha Bandhan, Raksha Bandhan you may not know. Take time. Read it. Enjoy.
50 Interesting Facts About Raksha Bandhan
Rakhi facts 1:
Raksha Bandhan is a festival that is considered to be the festival of brother and sister only.

Fact no.2:
Raksha Bandhan is the last day of Shrawan, which is why it is also called Shravani (Sawani) or Saloon.
Rakhi facts 3:
It is the sacred bond of brother and sister’s love.
Fact no.4:
Bandhan is a binding that is tied to the welfare of the protector.
Facts about Raksha Bandhan 5:
The meaning of Raksha Bandhan is the bond of defense.

Fact no.6:
Rakhi is always tied on the right wrist.
Fact no.7:
Rakhi is not only made up of thread but also made up of raw cotton, silk thread, gold, and silver item.
Fact no.8:
All the sister prays for a long life by binding their brother with a rakhi, meanwhile, the same brother promises to save his sister from every trouble.
Fact no.9:
Even after the sister’s marriage, a married sister comes to her mother’s house to bind her brother with the rakhi on this auspicious day of Raksha Bandhan.
Fact no.10:
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated every year of Shrawan month.
Fact no.11:
Raksha Bandhan is also known as Shravani and Saloon.
Fact no.12:
Raksha Bandhan is also considered the symbol of the Hindu Guru and disciple tradition.
Fact no.13:
Raksha Bandhan is also celebrated in India and Mauritius along with our country Nepal.
Fact no.14:
The religious journey of Amarnath starts with Guru Purnima and ends on the day of Raksha Bandhan.
Rakhi facts 15:
Specific dishes are also made at the sacred festival of Raksha Bandhan, which includes Shakespeare, Saltpeter, Ghee, Dhunani, etc.
Facts about Raksha Bandhan 16:
In a country like India, the male members of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh tied rakhis to each other for mutual brotherhood.
Fact no.17:
To protect the trees, rakhis are still bound to trees.
Fact no.18:
The festival of Raksha Bandhan is a festival that promotes love and brotherhood in society. This festival gives us the message of sacrifice and purity.
Rakhi facts 19:
The Postal Department of the Government of India prepares a special envelope on this day. The price is ten rupees. In it, you can send several Rakhis together.
Fact no.20:
The festival of protection is known as coconut Purnima(नारियल पूर्णिमा) in Maharashtra, India.
Fact no.21:
Bhujariya (भुजरियाँ) is placed on the top of a brother’s ears, in many places on the day of Raksha Bandhan(practiced in India).
Fact no.22:
Several Hindi films have also been made on this sacred festival of Raksha Bandhan. जिसमे राखी, राखी और हथकड़ी, राखी और राइफल, रक्षाबन्धन, etc. are the main films.

Fact no.23:
South Indian Brahmin of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, and Orissa This festival is called Avni Aviram.
Fact no.24:
Rakhi is commonly the sister’s brother only binds but in our country, Brahmins, teachers, politicians, or celebrities are also thread tied.
Rakhi facts 25:
There is a tradition of planting rakhis in the country and anywhere in the country.
Facts about Raksha Bandhan 26:
On this day, the Rakshi of saffron-colored to each other for the male brotherhood of the RSS.
Fact no.27:
Recited a verse in the religious rituals of Hinduism Rakshasutra bind time-wise or master Sanskrit, which the king is associated with the sacrifice which he was tied to the great powerful Danvendra king slaughtered Rcshasutr, the same formula I bind you, you never get distracted by your resolve.
Fact no.28:
In many states of India, this day is the tradition of putting Bhojali or Bhujari on the side of the brother on behalf of the sisters, which is done for the longevity of the brothers.
Fact no.29:
Outside the country, Rakhi is built in the hands of Guru in Brahmin and regional communities in the mountainous areas of Nepal.
Rakhi facts 30:
Rakhi is a festival of love and commitment, so it was used in the Indian independence struggle for public awareness, which was run by Gurudev Ravindra Nath Tagore.
Fact no.31:
Amarnath Yatra also ends on the day of restoration. It is believed that on the same day, Himani Shivaling also takes shape.
Fact no.32:
On this day, the Marathi people change their Janeu by going to the banks of the river or sea and worshiping the sea.
Fact no.33:
This is the custom of tying Chaparakhi or Lumba in Rajasthan. Ram Rakhi is bound only to God, while Chatha Rakhi binds the Bhadhis to Nantes.
Fact no.34:
Started by the Gods, many brothers and sisters in a country like Nepal, and India carries on the tradition.
Fact no.35:
The Mahabharat has a story relating to Raksha Bandhan.
Fact no.36:
During the Rajsuya Yagya – after Shishupal’s death, Krishna was left with a bleeding finger and Draupadi tore a piece from her sari and tied it to Krishna’s wrist to staunch the flow of blood.
Fact no.37:
Touched by the gesture, Krishna vowed to repay the debt to her. There is also a mention of Kunti tying a rakhi to her grandson Abhimanyu.
Fact no.38:
Along with the promise of love and protection the festival has taken on rich and expensive colors, with designer rakhis being the norm. Jewelry and other costly items have replaced the more humble gifts that the brothers used to give in the past.
Facts about Raksha Bandhan 39:
It has also been said that Lord Yama and his sister the Yamuna also practiced Raksha Bandhan.
Rakhi facts 40:
the Yamuna tied a sacred thread on Yama’s wrist and bestowed immortality on him.
Fact no.41:
Since then Yama promised that whoever gets a rakhi tied by his sister and vows to protect her will become immortal.
Fact no.42:
One of the earliest instances of rakhi-tying happened in 326 BC when the battle between Alexander and Porus took place. Fearing for the life of her husband, Alexander’s wife approached Porus and tied a rakhi around his wrist, and in return, the king promised not to harm Alexander.
Fact no.43:
Legend has it that during the battle, when Porus at some point lifted his hand to give Alexander the fatal blow he saw the rakhi and stopped.
Fact no.44:
Another famous rakhi story from history is about the Rani Karmavati of Chittor. Facing the threat of invasion from the Sultan of Gujarat, Bahadur Shah, she sent a rakhi to Humayun the Mughal Emperor asking him to save her family and her kingdom.

Fact no.45:
A much-moved Humayun, abandoned his ongoing military campaign in Bengal and rushed to her help, but was too late to save her. She and the women of the kingdom had preferred to immolate themselves rather than fall into the hands of the enemy.
Rakhi facts 46:
The origin of Raksha Bandhan can be traced back to the mythological times, which recounts many stories on how this custom came into being. The most famous legend relates to a war between the Gods and the Demons. The Gods led by Lord Indra were on the verge of defeat.
Facts about Raksha Bandhan 47:
Now Lord Indra moved toward his master Brihaspati and looked for his assistance. Master Brihaspati exhorted him to tie a consecrated string fueled by mantras on his wrist on Shravan Purnima. On that day, Indra’s better half Sachi tied the string on his wrist and Gods won the fight. From that point forward it turns into a typical custom in India for ladies to tie a string on the wrists of troopers going to war, with the expectation that it will ensure them and lead them to triumph.
Rakhi facts 48:
In another story, Lord Vishnu satisfied with the outrageous commitment of his education, the evil presence of King Bali, guaranteed to monitor his kingdom, forsaking his dwelling place Vaikunth. In the interim, Goddess Lakshmi, needed her master to be back with her in his home. She went to Bali camouflaged as a Brahmin and looked for shelter with disclosing to him that her significant other had left on some long errand.
Rakhi facts 49:
Then, on Shravan Purnima, she tied a thread on King Bali’s wrist wishing for his wellbeing. In return, he granted her one boon and the goddess asked him to return her husband. The Goddess then revealed herself to the confused king and told him the real story.
Facts about Raksha Bandhan 50:
Overcome, the King asked Lord Vishnu to return with his wife to his abode. But having pledged his entire life to protect Bali, the lord was unable to do so. To resolve his dilemma, it was decided that Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma will guard Bali for four months each.
Frens, here was a list of 50 interesting, funny, cultural, and weird facts about Raksha Bandhan. Thank you.