This post is about Nepali numbers 1 to 100,000,000,000 in Nepali and the English language. We are here with Nepali numbers 1-100, Nepali numbers 1-20, Nepali numbers 1 to 100, Nepali numbers in English, Nepali numbers in Nepali words, Nepali numbers pronunciation, Nepali numbers 1 to 100 in words, Nepali numbers in the Nepali language, Nepali numbers in words 1-100, numbers in Nepali writing, Nepali numbers 1 to 100 in the Nepali language.
At first sight at the Nepali numbers, the Nepali numerals look bewildering. Since there is no obvious pattern running through the system, as, for instance, there is in English. When you are learning Nepali numbers, you are advised to learn them gradually at the places suggested in the post.
Nepali numbers 1 to 100,000,000,000 in Nepali, Roman, and English languages with the Nepalese Numbering System
Welcome to Nepal, and the language of Nepal. This post will help you to learn Nepal numbers and speak to anyone, anywhere, and to understand the replies.
Although there are several tries or castes in Nepal, each with its tongue, Nepali is the national language. You will here learn the Nepali numbers and in the blog, you will learn the Nepali language step by step in a simple step, as native speakers do since childhood.
There is a section on practice and exercise in the blog. We will also provide reading and writing to help with pronunciation but we expect that you will want to speak and learn the Nepali language as Nepalese people speak.
It will make you feel more comfortable, and be able to converse, and we hope we have helped to make your stay more enjoyable.
There are more than 70 types of dialects and local languages. Hinduism has affected even such quasi-Tibetan tribes and the Byansis, which is closely related to other Tibeto-Burman speaking groups referred to locally as the Saukas.
They claim kinship with the Chettris and speak a Tibeto Burman language. Nepalese society evolves through the collective efforts of Individuals, families, and communities to fulfill their needs.
Nepalese Society is mainly classified into four categories though we have nearly a hundred categories of people at present. But they all speak Nepali as the National language and communicative language.
This section outlines the Nepali numerals and therefore the listing system.
Nepali numerals follow the numeral system, a decimal number representation system numeral system with a collection of 10 digits and wherever the numerical value of the digit is decided by its position. The symbols for the 10 digits area unit the digits of the Devanagari script during which Nepali is written.
Ordinal numbers
Cardinal numbers
Units of measurement
Nepali Numbers 1 to 100,000,000,000 in Nepali, Roman, and English
Workbook sheet
Get ready to Learn Nepali numerals, Nepali numbers pronunciation here in Nepali, Roman, and English Language.
Let’s have closer look at the Nepali ordinal numbers. The first four Nepali ordinal numbers are formed irregularly, not regularly. Thereafter, Nepali ordinal numbers are formed by adding the suffix au to the cardinal.
The ordinal numbers area unit wont to show the position during a series (first, second, third, etc.) the subsequent half-dozen ordinal numbers area unit written in the following way: The first four Nepali ordinals behave like other adjectives in -o, and may have feminine and plural forms:
1st (first) पहिलो (pa•hi•lo)
2nd (second) दोस्रो (ḍo•sro)
3rd (third) तेस्रो (ṭe•sro)
4th (fourth) चौथो (chau•ṭho)
6th (sixth) छैटौँ (chhai•tauñ)
9th (ninth) नवौँ (na•wauñ)
Other ordinal numbers are written by adding either the suffix ौँ or the suffix औँ to the cardinal numbers.
They are written by adding the suffix ौँ if their corresponding cardinal numbers end with a consonant letter, e.g., cardinal number पाँच (five) ends with consonant letter च /cha/, so, the 5th is written as पाँचौँ /pāñ•chauñ/.
Similarly, 7th is written as सातौँ /sā•tauñ/, 8th as आठौँ /ā•ṭhauñ/, 10th as दसौँ /ḍa•sauñ/, 11th as एघारौँ /e•ghā•rauñ/, 100th as सयौँ /sa•yauñ/.
If their corresponding cardinal numbers finish with a dependent vowel sign, the suffix औँ is added, e.g., cardinal number साठी (sixty) ends with the dependent vowel sign ी /i/, so, 60th is written as साठिऔँ /sā•thi•auñ/.
पहिलो / पहिली / पहिला
दोस्रो /दोस्री /दोस्रा
Third Y
तेस्रो/ तेस्री /तेस्रा
चौथो /चौथी /चौथा
Fifth ,
In the spoken Nepali language, the numerals have several dialectal variants, and in some cases alternative spellings in the written language as well.
All Nepali numerals may take the classifiers जना and वटा. The first two are slightly irregular:
दुइटा / दुइटा
Duita /Dui wata
तिनवटा / तिनोटा
Tinwata/ tinota
चार वटा चारोटा
Charwata/ charota
पाँच वटा पाँचोटा
Panchwata / panchota
Chha wata
सात वटा
Sat wata
Aath wata
Nau wata
दशवटा / दशोटा
Das wata / dasota
Nepali Numbers- Cardinal numbers
The cardinal numbers area unit employed in straightforward numeration and denote amount (one, two, three, etc.) The numbers listed on the table on top of the area unit are the cardinal numbers in Nepali.
The numbers once 100, e.g., the whole lot, the thousands, area unit named regularly, e.g., “Ek says char” /104/, “DUI Hajar tin saye” /2300/.
Each new term bigger than a thousand is 100 times larger than the previous term. Thus, a hundred thousand means 100 thousand, Jarod means 100 hundred thousand, and so on.
The negative variety area unit was written by adding a sign ahead and an area unit named as their corresponding positive number with “minus” adscititious ahead, e.g., “minus ek.”
Decimal mark: A dot “.” is employed as a decimal mark to separate the whole number half from the fragmental a part of variety written in decimal type.
Digit grouping: For simple reading, numbers with several digits area unit divided into teams victimization commas because of the centrifuge. The separators area unit is solely utilized to the left of the decimal mark. The right 3 digits area unit is classified along, then again 2 digits area unit is classified along thenceforth, e.g., 1,23,45,67,890.
Units of measure in Nepal
Nepal uses the system of weights and measures of measure. The Asian nation enacted the quality measure and Weight Act, of 1968 to implement the system of weights and measures and specific tips to convert the prevailing customary measure system to the system of weights and measures.
Customary units of measure in Nepal
Some customary unit area units are still widely employed in the Asian nation. The 1968 Act standardized several such units. a number of the widely used customary units and their equivalence to the system of weights and measures, as per the Act, embrace Dharni (2.3934096 kilograms), Pathi (4.54596 liters), and Tola.
Tola could be a customary unit widely employed in the advisement of precious metals and gemstones. The name Tola originated from the life of roughly the common mass of a coin.
The 1968 Act lists 3 sorts of Tolas and therefore the one with the name Kampani Tola (equaling zero.0116638 kilograms) matches the Tola standardized in India, wherever the Indian Standards of Weights and measure Act, one956 had standardized 1 Tola as 3/8 receptacle ounce, that identical factor specific for the Kampani Tola in Nepal’s 1968 Act.
Besides the unofficial use of those customary units, some regular units area unit still used formally in the Asian nation to live in the world of land. Bigha and Ropani are formally won’t to measure land area units as, and are the foremost widely used units among the overall public compared to their metric counterparts.
Official documentation on these land measure units is tough to get, however per a document offered on the Asian nation Law Commission website[1], the customary units to live the {land area unita|acreage|area|expanse|surface area} is as follows:
In the cragged region:
one Ropani = sixteen Aana,
one Aana = four fractional monetary units,
one fractional monetary unit = four Daam.
In the Terai region:
One Bigaha = twenty Kattha,
one Kattha = twenty Dhur,
One Dhur = four Kanwa.
The document mentions that victimization of these customary units, the world is written with a hyphen between the units, with the fourth unit omitted if its price is zero.
as an instance, within the cragged region, the world of one-2-3-4 would mean 1 Ropani, 2 Aana, three fractional monetary units, and four Daam; one-2-3 would mean 1 Ropani, 2 Aana, three fractional monetary unit and zero Daam (and referred to as one Ropani a pair of Aana three Paisa); zero-2-0-1 would mean 0 Ropani, 2 Aana, zero fractional monetary unit and one Daam (and referred to as a pair of Pakistani monetary unit one Daam).
The document applies the identical convention to the units employed in the Terai region, wherever one-2-3-4 would mean 1 Bigaha, 2 Kattha, three Dhur, and four Kanwa.
The document outlines the relations between the units employed in the 2 regions, and their conversion factors to the quality systems as follows:
1 Bigaha = 13 Ropani, 4 Aana
1 ropani = 5,476 sq. feet (74 X 74 sq. feet)
1 Bigaha = 72,900 sq. feet (270 X 270 sq. feet)
Local Land measuring Units in Nepal
Just like completely different regions have different cultures, traditions, life vogue, and languages, in Nepal, individuals use different land measuring units in numerous regions.
The area measuring system used for land in Terai regions is different from unsmooth regions. Katha, Bigha, and Dhur systems are in the main employed in the Terai region. On the different hand, Ropani, Aana, Daam, and subunit systems are employed in mountainous regions.
Important info concerning the Land activity units in Nepal. you’ll simply convert the units of land activity by mistreatment the data below.
The most fashionable units of land activity in Nepal square measure Aana, Kattha, Bigha, Ropani, Dhur, etc. within the cities Terai belt of Nepal like Butwal, Bhairahawa, Nepaljung, Biratnagar, etc Haat, Kattha, bigha, etc units square measure abundant fashionable whereas in the capital of Nepal natural depression Aana, Ropani, and area unit square measure in abundant use.
In the coming back, year square measures are widely used for land activity in Nepal.
A Bigha may be a customary unit of activity in Nepal, capable of 6,773 sq. meters. Officially, most measurement of lands uses units of either Bigha (in the Terai region) or Ropani (Nepali: रोपनी) (in Hilly regions). The system of weights and measures is extremely seldom used formally in the activity space of Land.
Below the square measure, a number of the foremost used and searched conversion rates of various land activity units of Nepal. If you control these activity unit conversion rates you won’t want any land unit changing computer code or apps to convert the land activity units in Nepal.
1 Bigha (बिघा)
20 Kattha (कठ्ठा)
1 Bigha (बिघा)
6772.63 m²
1 Bigha (बिघा)
72900 sq.ft.
1 Bigha (बिघा)
13.31 Ropani
1Kattha (कठ्ठा)
20 Dhur (धुर)
1Kattha (कठ्ठा)
338.63 m²
1Kattha (कठ्ठा)
3645 sq.ft.
1 Dhur (धुर)
16.93 m²
1 Dhur (धुर)
182.25 sq.ft.
1 Ropani (रोपनी)
16 Aana (आना)
1 Ropani (रोपनी)
64 Paisa (पैसा)
1 Ropani (रोपनी)
508.72 m²
1 Ropani (रोपनी)
5476 sq.ft.
1 Ropani (रोपनी)
256 Daam (दाम)
1 Ropani
4 Matomuri
1 Khetmuri
25 Ropani
1 Aana (आना)
4 Paisa (पैसा)
1 Aana (आना)
31.80 m²
1 Aana (आना)
342.25 sq. ft.
1 Aana (आना)
16 Daam (दाम)
1 Paisa (पैसा)
4 Daam (दाम)
1 Paisa (पैसा)
7.95 m²
1 Paisa (पैसा)
85.56 sq. ft.
1 Daam (दाम)
1.99 m²
1 Daam (दाम)
21.39 sq. ft.
1 Haath
1.5 ft.
1 Paisa
4 Dam
85.56 sq. ft.
7.95 m2
1 Aana
4 Paisa
342.25 sq. ft.
31.80 m2
1 ropani
16 Aana
5,476 sq. ft.
508.72 m2
1 Hour
182.25 sq. ft.
16.93 m2
1 Kattha
20 Dhur
3645 sq. ft.
338.63 m2
1 Bigha
20 Kattha
72900 sq. ft.
6772.63 m2
Quantity Conversion in Nepal
8 Maana: 1 Pathi
3 Maana: 1 Kg
20 Pathi: 1 More
1 Moori: 80 Kg (paddy), 60 Kg (Maize, millet)
1 more = 20 path
1 path = 4 curuwa = 4.54596 ltr
1 curule = 2 mana
1 mana = 4 chauthai = 10 muthi
1 lit = 1.7598 mana
Weight Measurement in Nepal
1 Lal
0.1166 Grams
1 Tola
100 Lal
11.66 Grams
1 Chatak
4.5 Tola
58.31 Grams
1 Pau
199 Grams
1 Dharni
12 Pau
2.39 KG
Volume Measurement in Nepal
1 Muthi
1 Mana
10 Muthi
1 Kuruwa
2 Mana
1 Pathi
8 Mana
1 Muri
20 Pathi
This is how we calculate and compare Nepali weight and another type of conversion. This will help you to interact with people and we can know the exact value of the good that is being brought. If you want to know more, visit another article related to the same subject matter.
Rundown of Ordinal Numbers in Nepali
Nepali Ordinal numbers tell the request of things in a set: to begin with, second, third, and so on. Ordinal numbers don’t indicate the amount. They just show rank or position.
The following is a rundown of the Cardinal Numbers and Ordinal Numbers in Nepali. Remembering this table will enable you to include exceptionally helpful and vital words in your Nepali vocabulary.
Wanna know more about Nepali Numbers and facts? Must read the given facts, and statistics related to Nepali numbers.
Facts about Nepali Numbers
I am Jitendra Sahayogee, a writer of 12 Nepali literature books, film director of Maithili film & Nepali short movies, photographer, founder of the media house, designer of some websites and writer & editor of some blogs, has expert knowledge & experiences of Nepalese society, culture, tourist places, travels, business, literature, movies, festivals, celebrations.