Find here some of the facts with photos of Nepali girls in America (United States of America). These Nepali girls are in various cities in America. You can see it in captions or headlines, a short description is given. Check it out.
Nepali Girls in America (USA) with Photos
The USA, United States of America, popularly known as ‘’ A land of opportunity’’ is a dream of most Nepalese people. Everybody once dreamed to be in America. But, not all of them are lucky to be in America. According to, there are supposed to be more than 0.1 million Nepalese in the USA in the year 2015. Well, the figure might have increased by this year.
It is good to dream big. But only dreaming of America and earning lots of money is insane because America is not as easy as we dream. Yes, there are lots of opportunities but to grab that opportunity you need to be the best candidate. You have to compete with thousands of other candidates who are also working for the dream like you. So, only those who struggle and give something extra survive there.

With a big hope and wonderful dreams, many Nepalese students are going to the USA for further studies. Well, some of them have done incredible jobs and are in much higher post while many are there who could not struggle in the USA and returned home. But some learned the knowledge in the USA and returned to the country to do something that helps for the betterment of Nepal. Such people are the most needed by the country than those who stay there forever.
First of all, in this article, we are going to analyze Nepalese society in the USA.
Information About Society of Nepalese in America
Nepalese society in America, as we can guess it, is getting more and more populated since so many Nepalese are moving to the United States. This movement is not a recent phenomenon. It has been going on for decades and as a result, now there are generations of Nepalese people living in the United States of America by their roots.
How to Apply for Working Visa in the USA From Nepal |
The society of Nepalese there is getting more and more organized and they like to make their presence felt in the context of Nepal also. Whenever this is an emergency back home these Nepalese do tend to stretch their helping hands to make it good for us. In the recent earthquake, the Nepalese society in the United States did come together to help the people who are having hard times in Nepal.
Given below are a few bits of information about the Society of Nepalese in America. These pieces of information will give an idea about the life of Nepalese who are currently living in America and are trying to make something out of their lives. As is the rule, some make it big in this land of opportunities but some fail miserably. The rules and regulations and the system are unforgiving to those who cannot work hard, show sincerity, and are willing to work hard.
Enjoying A Privileged Lifestyle
Nepalese society in America is undoubtedly the most privileged bunch out of all the people who have left home to live abroad because America is currently the most developed nation when it comes to living standards It is a powerful nation too. So given the superiority of America, the Nepalese who are living there would enjoy good living standards with a privileged standing. That is the reason, their living standards would also be higher. They get to enjoy better things in their lives. Food is good, the basic infrastructures of everything are good, and the way they live life every day would be smooth and hassle-free as compared to life in Nepal where we have to struggle for every bit of luxury that we should be getting otherwise.
Work work work
Life in America would be impossible without work and Nepalese who go to America to make their future must be willing to work very hard. Mostly, those who go from Nepal will be juggling two or three jobs at the same time just to make ends meet. Money is the only thing that would grant security in a foreign land where you do not know anybody. That is why Nepalese need to earn a lot of money too. Also, the ones who go from Nepal would have a dream to earn a lot so that they can send some money back home and take care of the family as well. That is another reason why those who are in America need to work a lot. The jobs are not as easy as it is over here. Time is money and your time is counted in minutes for them to be able to pay for you. You are not paid for holidays, the days you fall sick and cannot attend work and nothing comes for free. So, work is of utmost importance.
Stronger Sense of Community
It is an obvious fact that when one leaves their homeland and goes elsewhere, they would look for people from the same background and will want to get to know them. That is why the Nepalese who are in America also like to come together as a community with all the other Nepalese and make sure they are guarded and united in case anything is to happen. That is why the sense of community among these people abroad is stronger than the ones back home. They know that all Nepalese should unite together in foreign lands so that they feel secure. In every part, there will be a group of Nepalese that will take care of the community as a whole. This community will organize meet-ups or celebrations or parties where all the Nepalese living there can come together and enjoy. This way, they keep relations with all Nepalese living there and form a sense of community. It is these communities that organize programs for the people who are living there and also for the country back home. They like to come together in times of disaster to help Nepalese back home and also the ones in America who have been having a hard time making it.
Life As the Minority
Life in America for Nepalese is the life of that of the minority. They do not enjoy any special rights. Conversely, they might be looked down upon and treated as a minority who have no voice in the government or policy-making. It is a very difficult position to be in. Most people do not know where Nepal is and those who know would know nothing about the culture and traditions that we have. So, trying to fit in in a foreign culture and trying to navigate a way to make it good in society can be tricky. Being a minority puts them in such a difficult position and they often find themselves helpless. Because you never know when the rules for immigrants are going to be changed and as a result, you will have to face difficulties. For example, the recent changes in immigration rules as political changes happened and a new president came into power changing all the rules and regulations that were already there. Such a life of being unsure of your own space is not good and Nepalese have to feel the pressure arising from that.
Life as a Second-Class Citizen
Life in America as a Nepali is that of a second-class citizen. Even for the ones who go after winning the Diversity Visa DV Lottery, the visa is that of an immigrant, not a regular first-class citizen. And, when it is a second-class citizen, the luxuries and provisions are also different. It is a life of being unsure about their own life and condition in the new land. Life is not easy. As second-class citizen, the rules and regulations are different, the reach they can have in the policy-making strata of the country is also different and things are not as easy as it is supposed to be. This second-class citizenship is not something to be proud of. It keeps the ones who want to live their whole lives in America at a disadvantage. Because all their lives, having worked so hard and despite all their efforts, will always be second-class citizens. The discrimination that comes with being such a second-class citizen is also something that will make a lot of difference in the life of people. Without realizing it, they might be falling prey to different discriminatory laws and provisions that will have a bad impact on their life and the lives of the generations yet to come.
Life in America is not similar to that in Nepal and obviously, the lifestyle would also differ. However, it is personal how one handles the lifestyle change. Some people get used to the lifestyle there pretty easily and can stay there for a long period getting to know the country and people and the culture. But for some, the same lifestyle can get too bothersome and tough to get used to. It gets very hard and become homesick. So, it is personal how one handles the changes that one experiences after leaving their home and going to a foreign land.
For those who can handle the changes, it is a very good opportunity to learn about new cultures and people. Many valuable lessons are learned while living in a foreign land by yourself, which you can never learn while living in your own country among people who are close to you. The lifestyle change will create a new environment wherein one can completely reinvent themselves without caring about what people back home think. They learn to work hard and enjoy little things in life and be grateful for what they have rather than a complain about what they don’t have. This becomes a very valuable lesson to learn once you move away from home and live elsewhere.
Society of Nepalese is growing bigger and bigger each year. As a result, the diaspora is also growing and it has its own positive as well as negative impacts. The expansion of the Nepali language, culture, and population beyond Nepal is a good thing for Nepal. Also, the money coming in in the name of remittance from all the Nepalese that are living in the USA will make a lot of impacts. It will help the economy of Nepal get better and better. But, on the other hand, the negatives are also there which include the migration of Nepalese away from Nepal. This is draining the able workforce away from Nepal into foreign lands.
In this article, we are going to analyze Nepali girls, women, and society in the USA.
How are they? What are they doing? What are their lifestyles? Are they happy? Are they enjoying the life they had dreamed of? What are their messages to the people of Nepal?

Most of the Nepalese girls are in the USA for further study. Some of them apply for student visas for an undergraduate course while some for postgraduate or Ph.D. A student visa is one of the most popular ways to go to America. After the acceptance of college/University and some documents related to finances, the final stage is the interview with the US board Agency which decides whether to give a visa or not. Once you are granted, then, the dream of the USA begins.

Living and studying in America is very expensive compared to here in Nepal. Unless they belong to a higher family who can afford it, Nepalese girls face a challenging and enduring economic struggle to finance their tuition fees and living expenses. Most of the popular destinations like California, New York, and Washington which are favorites of Nepali students are very expensive. So, students living in such cities have to work an extra hour for compensating their expenses. Most of the girls are found working in restaurants, Groceries, and Shops. Living in the USA with its standards is not as easy as we expect. USA visa policy is very strict for foreign students and they only allow fixed work hours per week for students. Due to this, most Nepalese students have to work illegally beyond the permit hours to finance their daily and tuition expenses.
One of the Nepalese students shared her student life in America on According to her, her student life was like this.
‘’I work in the dining hall of my college twice a week on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 5 to 8. On Tuesdays I am the checker and the job is easy; just sit and swipe the students’ cards for two hours and at the end, clean up the salad bar and sweep the dining hall. Wednesdays, I clean up the “Pots”—literally huge utensils used for mass cooking. It is the most dreadful work, but well, I get paid.’’
Another student shared her experiences with life in the USA.
‘’I am in the third year of my Bachelor. During my first year, it was full of struggle. I thought when I will land America, my life will be full of happiness but it was not as expected. I even worked sixteen hours a day illegally to finance my college and living expenses. Now, it has been a habit for me going college in day and then working in morning and evening shift. ‘’
From these experiences, we can analyze that life in the USA is not as expected. Many Nepalese girls are struggling in the USA working long shifts and weekends that make them mentally and physically exhausted. Due to this, they are also struggling to maintain their academic level. Similarly, their families are also hoping and keeping expectations from their children which keeps the students under pressure always.
According to RajanThapaliya in, New York based journalist, KishorPanthi, Founder/editor in chief of Khasokhas Weekly, a Nepalese newspaper published in New York said, “Parents should maintain a serious stance about their children’s studies in the USA, and extend their moral support to them. They should realize that students come to America to study rather than to work and abstain from pressurizing them with their expectations. Unfortunately, students are compelled to work extra hours because their parents and siblings expect them to be able to get them expensive electronic stuff like MacBooks, iPhones, and digital cameras.”
Most Nepali girl students dream of a beautiful life in America which is not true. Most of them have to struggle throughout their student life and even after completing their studies. It is hard to find who is happy but not all of them are sad because some of them can reach the top position through their hard work. Only a few of them can live life according to their dream. The remaining are still struggling in the land of opportunity.
Most Nepalese students suggest taking proper coordination with the students who are studying in the USA the newcomers before they come here. This will help them to get better knowledge about the scenario. All of them advise newcomers not to dream of the life shown in social media because life here is far different than as shown in social media. You have to be mentally, financially, and physically prepared before heading to the USA.

1.> Take a snap of group members and friends in Teej festivals.
2.> Amrita Acharya, A Hollywood celebrity
3.> Nepalese women in a cultural dance show.
4.> A Nepali girl is teaching the Nepali language in Atlanta.
5.> Nepalese women are getting together at a Teej festival.
Nepalese women in Teej festival
pic by
Nepalese women in Teej festival
pic by
A Nepali girl is showing the Nepalese flag in the street.
beautiful Nepalese women in saree dress during Teej Celebration in the USA.

A Nepalese small girl, the kid is snapping herself by mobile.
Nepali girl in street of USA, city unknown.
Nepalese Holi celebration in the USA
Author: Niraj Thapa Magar