Facts About Nepal Flag: – Get here information and facts about the national flag of Nepal. We are here some of the general information about the Nepali flag. This is one of the national pride of Nepal.
Nepal Flag – 100 Facts About National Flag of Nepal (Some Facts Amaze You)
There are certain things which bind us together, and they are our identities. They make our country and the countrymen rich, prosperous and unique in the world. They are our pride. We all should know about them, and respect, honor and preserve them.
The power of flag colors and national flags is evident with their prominent views on government buildings and another place locally, and in the international summit as well as gathering places like Olympic Games and World football Cup games.
However, there is no remarkable research that can make a demonstration of the quantitative and its influence on the economic significance of national flags and flag colors.
If national flags and its colors influence on the economic and social well-being of those nations, what gives them that force? Or it only makes the simple existence to more extent that they imply national freedom and sovereignty of the country and to make its own decisions on how to use their resources, or is there something deeper fact so that countries with certain flag colors do better or worse than others? All these facts are needed to be in research.
The Dannebrog of Denmark reportedly is the oldest national flag which still in use and inspired by the concept of national flags, Scandinavian countries and Finland made their flag. The existence of a national flag does not require color.

Earlier national flags were made of different materials other than paper or cloth, including wood and metal, and most of only one or two colors. The Netherlands’ Tricolor was the first multicolor national flag. And this inspired another country like the US, Russian, Indian, and French flags.
The French flag, in turn, had influenced the Costa Rican flag, Dominican Republic flag, Irish flag, Haitian flag, Italian flag, Romanian flag, and Mexican flags. Cuba flag, Liberia flag, Chile flag, and Uruguay flag took the USA flag. National flags of most Arab nations took after the flag that was used during the 1916-1918 Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, which is just like as most of the African flags.
Flags and their colors also reflect defining moments in history. The point, again, is that the existence of national flags have their historical linkages between and among each flag colors are indisputable.
There also exists some beautiful correlation between national flags and flag colors on one hand, as well as the economic well-being of nations on the other hand. However there is no reason to believe that there is some correlation, but, surely, colors have meaningful mix-up effects on the human condition (feelings, emotions, moods).
For example, red (blood), which is also the most common flag color, also signifies danger in some cultures like spilling blood whereas in some cultures red means to love as in saying blood is thicker than water.
Our national flag is one of our pride. Every country has its National flag. It is the recognition of a Nation. Our National flag is unique in shape. It consists of two juxtaposed triangular figures. The upper triangle has the emblem of a white crescent moon with eight visible rays out of the sixteen. The (two triangles have the emblem of a white sun with twelve rays. It symbolizes our country.
Our national flag has a unique design in the world. It has two triangles, joined together and; looks somewhat like a fish-tail in shape. The upper triangle has the imprint of the white moon with eight rays and the lower triangle has the imprint of the sun with twelve rays. It reflects our history, culture, religion, courage, and bravery.
It has three symbolic colors: Crimson (red), Blue and White. It has a base of crimson and a deep blue border. The base or the background of the flag is crimson, symbolizing courage. The white color symbolizes purity. Similarly, blue borders symbolize peace, cooperation, and friendship.
The picture of the moon and the sun symbolizes that Nepal will exist till the moon and the sunshine in this universe. We should preserve the glory and pride of our national flag and protect the freedom, unity, and sovereignty for the welfare and betterment of our motherland.
Our culture teaches us to be peaceful and friendly with others. That is why Nepal has adopted the principle of ‘Peaceful Co-Existence and Non-Alignment’.
The meaning of the moon and the sun on the National flag signify that Nepal will remain till the sun and the moon remains. The crimson color signifies the bravery of Nepali soldiers. The blue color signifies peace-loving nature of Nepalese.
Nepal is only the country in the world with the triangular flag. The flag was adopted, with the formation of the New constitutional government, on December 16, 1962, A.D. When we go back to the history of our country, we find it full of the bravery of our ancestors and great warriors.
About national Flag of Nepal
Nepal has a unique national flag in the world. The rest of the world has a quadrilateral shape in their national flag while Nepal is the only country with a non-quadrilateral shape in their national flag. It is designed by the combination of two pennons (rectangular shape).
The upper part is smaller containing the Moon with eight rays and a crescent attached below. The lower part contains the sun with twelve rays. The pennons are colored red while the border around the triangular shape is blue colored. Nepali flag is in the proportion of 11:9 ratio.
The significance of the national flag of Nepal
The red represents the national flower of the country Rhododendron and the blue signifies the peace. The two triangular shapes represent the Himalayas Mountains. It is also supposed to represent the two religions of the country- Hindu and Buddhist.
These two symbols, the moon, and the sun are linked with different dynasties. It is believed that Nepal will remain until the moon and the sun exists in the world. The moon represents a soothing and calm nature of Nepalese while the sun represents the Terai where there are heat and high temperatures.
History of a flag of Nepal
Earlier Nepal was divided into different states. It was King Prithvi Narayan Shah who unified all these small states into one and made Nepal. After the unification, the national flag was adopted. After the formation of a new constitutional government on December 16, 1962, the national flag of Nepal was adopted. But, it is still unknown who exactly designed the national flag of Nepal.
In modern years, the concept of the flag has been changed. Its meaning has also been interpreted differently. The moon represents the soothing and calm nature of Nepalese while the sun represents the Terai where there are heat and high temperatures.
Before 1962, the moon used to represent the royal family while the Sun represented the Rana family. Earlier, there were the faces shown on the moon and the sun. The faces were shown with eyes, ears, nose and the symbol on the forehead. Later, the faces were removed and only the sun and the moon are being shown.
Why is Nepal flag triangular?
As we can see all the countries have quadrilateral shape flags while Nepal has only the triangular shape. This may be the queries of many people. It is still hard to say this one is the right answers but here we have tried to analyze the possible reasons.
Earlier, there were different types of shapes. The rectangular shape of the clothes of the proportion between 1.5:1 and 2:1 were popular and the most common one. So, most of the countries took such shape and made the standard one.
After Europeans countries started adopting the rectangular shape for their flags many other countries adopted the same standard while Nepal did not change its shape. It had just modified some of the parts like just removing the shape of the face and just keeping the moon and the sun.
See Also: How to draw the national flag of Nepal
Nepali flag has been well designed with proper thought as every aspect of the flag represents Nepal and the people of Nepal.
This was the summary of how the flag influence the country status. Now here we converge to the features and facts of the flag of Nepal which are described below in pointwise this was the summary of how the flag influence the country status. Now here we converge to the features and facts of the flag of Nepal which are described below in pointwise.
Where do we use the national flag?
A National Flag is a flag representing a particular nation. It can be also termed as a symbolic representation of a country. flow the national flag representing their country but these flags can also be flown by their respective citizens as well. The national flag holds great pride for every nation. The government and the citizens all of them respect their national flag.
The national flag is generally square or rectangle in shape. Only the national flag of Nepal has a unique shape than the rest of them. The national flag of Nepal is not square or rectangle in shape but triangular. Well, two separate triangles representing star and moon. The color and symbols in every national flags have their respective meanings. Everyone respects the national flag which they should.
So now let’s talk about the use of national flags. Where do we use them? Of course, we all have seen the national flags were flown in different places but we still don’t have much idea about where we use them or do we?
In the cars of the president, vice president, ministers, Governers and so on
We can often see a small national flag on the cars of our respected president, prime ministers, Governers and so on. They are the representatives of a nation, so the small flags can be seen hanging on their cars ( vehicles).
Government buildings.
We can often find the national flags flown in the government buildings. There are several government houses and buildings for several events and occasions. These houses/buildings are a part of the national governments built for meetings and other occasions. So there is no doubt that the national flags are flown high here around the building. These flags are flown to honor and represent a nation. The national flags can be seen flying high on top of the Government buildings.
National court
A court is a place where justice lies. The national court is the head body of any country where justice is provided to its citizens. Many national courts of different countries can be seen with a national flag flying high on top.
National army/ Military headquarters.
The army and military are one of the protectors of a nation. There are also the representatives of a nation. So there is no doubt that the national flag can be flown in the Military headquarters and the building of a national guard.
There are several embassies in different countries. These embassies represent their national country in a foreign country. The national flags are flown in the embassy to represent their country.
Apart from these we the citizens of the country can also use their respective national flags but with honor. They must not disrespect the national flag.
We can see many people using the national flags to represent and support their nation in different sports events like the Fifa world cup, ICC world cup, and many other sports activities. We can also find people flying their national flags in the Olympic Games to represent their nation.
The national flag carries pride and honor. So whoever uses the flag, they should respect the national flag and use it properly as it holds a great significance.
Advantages of National Flag
From nations, territories, and urban areas, to correspondence, check focuses, and sending signals, flags have been utilized as a part of loads of ways and settings and for quite a while in mankind’s history. Here are some preferred standpoint a flag has over other symbolization techniques.
- Flags are anything but difficult to work with: They are lightweight. You can convey a flag in a fight, put it on a shaft on the floor, put it on a building, hang it out of a building, and considerably more.
- Flags are straightforward: Not all that substantial or sends excessively data to the eye, flags are straightforward bits of lightweight texture, in states of basic geometric shapes, and are developed of basic strong hues and questions. They carry out their activity effectively, and some are exceptionally exquisite or potentially significant.
- Flags are valuable:You can utilize them in anything from speaking to a nation, its kin, its images, and its belief systems, to be utilized as a specialized technique, for example, a dark skull hail utilized by privateer transports as a notice sign, shoreline flags to caution individuals from waves, or the notable strong dull-white flag utilized as an indication of surrender.
Here is the flag’s favorable position over other imagery strategies for nations:
- The flag’s fundamental leeway over a token or a crest is that you can wave the flag high on a post, and you can’t do that with a symbol. Truth be told, on the off chance that you needed to do it, you need to print the token on a flag.
- Also, finished beautiful strategies, for example, a song of praise? You can’t sing all the time the “Star-Spangled Flag” to show your adoration for the USA. Simply hang a flag from your window or gallery.
- Besides, other strong objects related to your nation? You don’t put a colossal Star of David over your home, so simply put it on a flag and wave it.
- Back before electric lamps, Morse code, the radio, and other specialized techniques were normal, if you needed to send messages to a far-off ship, and you can’t convey it a message by heading off to the ship or utilizing another thing to convey it, you could send visual messages. Hand flags or gesture-based communication are bad for far-off flagging, so the best strategy was utilizing brilliant hues. The most ideal approach to convey them? You got it — shaded flags.
They do have a few imperfections, as you can’t put them on the airship, little marine vehicles, or submarine vehicles, in which situations, images are much better.
Besides, also — hails as a specialized strategy are relatively out of date these days, like other specialized techniques, for example, radio and light signals are significantly more predominant than flags. They are, be that as it may, the best technique to tell individuals on the shoreline if the ocean is protected or perilous and bind them within the common boundary.
Nepal Flag – 100 Facts About National Flag of Nepal
1) Unlike another country, the flag of Nepal is the only one in the world’s national flag that is not rectangular.
2) The flag of Nepal is made up of two triangles overlapped to some part of each other.
3) Nepal has not adopted the official flag until 1962, until when the constitutional form of government was established.
4) Being based upon the Rana dynasty, which formerly ruled the country was the ruler who introduces the flag of Nepal.
5) The flag with two pennants was first to introduce in the last of the 20thcentury until then there was no national flag declared on the country.
6) Then the only discussion of the official flag as Nepal identity was introduced
7) After that discussion the flag with two triangles with a blue border and red background with the moon in the upper part which would represent the royal house and the sun in the lower part which symbolizes the branch of the Rana family.
8) Blue is the symbol of extreme cold. Hence the combination of heat and cold shows that almost every type of climatic structure that exists in the world are found in Nepal
9) This sensation exists until Rana member’s family acted as prime ministers until 1961.
10) But after the downfall of the Rana regime, the same flag was used but changing with the sensation that represents the hope that Nepal itself will last as long as the sun and the moon exist in the sky.
Facts About Nepal Flag for Kids
11) The concept of these heavenly bodies was framed on December 16, 1962.
12) Before, the sun and the moon on the flag were given the portrays with facial features.
13) The Crimson color a sort of red group color that is also included in the national flag is then declared as the national color.
14) These all concepts were declared from the democratic government ruled by the people, ruled for the people and of the people with the glorious saying that represents the love of the nation as The mother and the Mother Earth are more important than the heavenly kingdom. So the flag of Nepal represents the love of the motherland.
Facts About National Flag of Nepal
15) The warm moon, in the upper half of the flag, represents quietness and peace because Nepal is a peaceful country and people are asleep during the night.
16) The bright sun is supposed to represent work because it is such a hard-working country and everyone is busy during the daytime.
17) The sun and the moon mean that Nepal will last as long as the two remain in the sky.
18) The red color that is used in the flag is also the first color that was first used by human beings
19) The red color of the flag also represents the red color of the national flower Rhododendron.
20) The flag of Nepal has been in use for centuries.
Facts About National Flag of Nepal
21) The historical monument shows that the flag of Nepal did exist from the time of the Malla dynasty that continues and preceded the Shahs and the Ranas.
22) We can see such coupled triangular flags are installed at the doorways of many temples in Kathmandu that were made in Malla regime while some have the sun and moon design as the flag of Nepal, some don’t.
23) The two triangles symbolize the Himalayas peaks that exist in the northern territory of Nepal.
24) The top of the world Mt. Everest also exist in Nepal and those vertices represent the Mt. Everest
25) Representing the moon in Nepal flag also shows the religious tolerance of the country Nepal.
Facts About National Flag of Nepal
26) From a religious view, those two triangles on the flag of Nepal, also stand for the two main religions in Nepal which are Hinduism and Buddhism.
27) The flag is a symbol of extreme faith for the people of Nepal.
28) The shape of the current flag was determined at the very beginning of the history of modern Nepal,
29) the credit for the use of the flag goes to King Prithvi Narayan Shah.
30) Above the crescent moon in the top triangle are eight small triangles in what looks like a smaller version of the sun partially eclipsed by the moon.
Heart Touching Facts About Nepal Flag
31) The moon has been used as the symbol of Elixir and is believed to give eternal life.
32) From the religious point of view, white color in the moon and the sun symbolizes neutrality.
33) Every religious ritual that is practiced in Nepal is done according to the waxing and waning of the moon which is also represented in the flag of Nepal.
34) The moon even reflects the peaceful and friendly attitude of the Nepali people.
35) The triangular shape of the flag also represents the traditional pagoda style, in which most of the temple and monasteries are build up.
36) The sun in the lower part has 12 triangles altogether.
37) The moon in the upper part has 8 triangles altogether
38) The sun in the flag represents the fierceness of the people of Nepal.
39) From the cultural myth, the sun is the heavenly symbol of fire, which is also one of the agents that every particle is made, and hence sun in the flag symbolizes the appreciation of the particle.
40) From a scientific view, Sun is even the symbol of life because it provides the heat necessary for living beings. It heats and draws up the water and precipitate in the form of rain, making food production possible on earth. Representing the sun in the flag is the appreciation of the existence of the sun for the life kind.
Nice Facts About Nepal Flag
41) According to the Hindu religion, Sun is one of the Dev or Gods among five Panchadev where “Pancha” means five & “dev” means god. The history of the worshipping of the sun is connected with ancient Vedic rituals. Before decades years ago, Nepal was the Hindu Kingdom and the existence of the sun in the flag also symbolize the belief in the god and their power.
42) Even the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 months are related to the movement of the sun, The sun is taken as the head of the planets and a symbol of the soul. thus representing the sun in the flag also symbolizes the identity of Nepal that the astrology science was evolved from the Land of Nepal.
43) The moon is taken as the major heavenly body among the asteroids and a symbol of the heart. The sun symbolizes eternal light, so the sun is the nonseparable part for anyone
Beautiful Facts About Nepal Flag
44) Representing the moon in Nepal flag also shows the religious tolerance of the country Nepal
45) Goodwill of the moon makes the prosperity and peace of the people according to astrology science, and hence the moon in the flag depicts the wish of the prosperity and peace environment around the country.
46) The colors used in the flag have emotional and religious significance. blue symbolizes distance and Red symbolizes closeness,
47) From the religious point of view, white color in the moon and the sun symbolizes neutrality.
48) The sun in the flag signifies the hotness of the land of the Terai region of Nepal.
49) The moon in the flag signifies the coldness of the altitude of the Himalayan region of Nepal.
50) The 12 vertices in the sun in the flag represent the 12 months of the year.
Real Facts About Nepal Flag
51) The 8 vertices of the moon in the flag represent the 8 adorable peaks mountain of Nepal, which are listed in the top 10 highest mountain in the world
52) The concept of these heavenly bodies was framed on December 16, 1962, after the constitution of Nepal was made.
53) The white color used in the sun and the moon in the flag of Nepal represent the snowy looks of the mountain which is also the pride of Nepal.
54) Red is related to fire and blood, and blue is related to the vast sky and deep sea.
Amazing Facts About Nepal Flag
55) The red color of the flag also represents the sindhur of Nepalese Hindu married women.
56) Red is the symbol of extreme heat
57) Blue is the symbol of extreme cold. Hence the combination of heat and cold shows that almost every type of climatic structure that exists in the world are found in Nepal
58) It seems quite considerable that the sun, the moon, and red colors and blue colors are used together, which makes the people feeling peaceful and happy.
59) The white color of the sun and the moon represent the purity and transparency in the manner of the people.
60) The red color of the flag symbolizes bravery. It depicts that Nepalese are brave by birth.
Wonderful Facts About Nepal Flag
61) The Crimson red color which is also included in the national flag is then declared as the national color.
62) Red color even the symbol of good luck in Hinduism.
63) The blue color of the flag symbolizes the knowledge, wisdom, honesty, tranquility, and peace of the people of Nepal.
64) The blue color of the flag also symbolizes the deepness of sky
65) The blue color in the border of the flag represents the boundary and sovereignty of the country Nepal.
66) The red color of the flag has the quality of arousing love, enthusiasm, and energy to the soul.
67) The red color of the flag also represents the red color of the national flower Rhododendron.
68) Most of the people in Nepal follow Hinduism, and Nepalese Hindu women use to wear red clothes which symbolize they are married. So the red color in the flag also symbolizes the respect to the feminity.
69) It is even believed that the red color that is used in the flag is also the first color that was first used by human beings.
70) It is also said that the red color of the flag represents the redness of the Buddhist monk dress color.
Interesting Facts About Nepal Flag
71) Red is used in the Nepali flag to reveal our brave history
72) The blue color is used to represent the unity among people of Nepal.
73) From the protocol manual of the London 2012 Olympics regarding the flags and Anthems Manual of London 2012, and it provides recommendations for national flag designs and dimensions. Each nation has sent an image of the flag, including their PMS shades, to make their approval by LOCOG. When this was obtained, LOCOG produces a 60 x 90 cm version of the flag for the next approval. So, while these shapes may not be the official flag, they are certainly what the NOC disbelieved the flag to be. For Nepal PMS value is186 red and 287 blue.
74) Prior to the adoption of the present national flag on Dec16 1962, flags with faces were used in Nepal:
75) The first explanation of the Nepali flag was found by M. Lupantwhich is shown in a book published by Perceval Laundon in 1928. It is pointed there that the flag was crimson with a green border.
76) Whatever would be the color, at that time too Nepal flag was made of two superimposed isosceles triangles.
77) The two points could have symbolized the royal family and the Rana family. where the sun symbolized the Rana family and the moon symbolized the King.
78) Moon and Sun expressed the wish that the Nation shall live as long as they exist in the sky.
79) The faces were both shown with ears and a symbol in the middle of the forehead probably one of the colored spots used by Hinduists, and the face in the upper triangle has a small neck putting it above the moon.
80) The national flag of Nepal is the only non-quadrangular national flag.
81) The flag is a simplified combination of two single pennants that represent, for some, the mountains of Nepal while for others the Hindu flags.
82) The flag was adopted, with the formation of a new constitutional government, on December 16, 1962.
83) The individual pennants had been used for the last two centuries and the double pennant since the 19th century.
84) The triangular shape which is the identity of only the existing Nepal flag reflects the historical shape of flags used by kingdoms on the Indian subcontinent.
85) Even today the flags installed on the door of temples in India are mostly triangular.
86) According to astrology science, the presence of the moon makes the prosperity and peace of the people, and hence the moon in the flag depicts the wish of the prosperity and peace environment around the country.
87) We can see such coupled triangular flags are installed at the doorways of many temples in Kathmandu that were made in Malla regime while some have the sun and moon design as the flag of Nepal,
88) Nepal is the only country in the world that does not have the quadrilateral shape of a flag.
89) Nepal is one of the few countries which uses separate color in the border of its flag.
90) Until 1962, the sun and the moon in the flag had the human face.
91) Those human faces are believed to be of Surya dev and Chandra dev which are also considered as the major heavenly body of the astrology
92) The flag of Nepal is the only one of the national flag that is in use whose aspect ratio less than one
93) The ratio to the width to the height of the flag is 3:4.
94) The flag used in the summer Olympics has turned their transparency off.
95) The constitution of Nepal 2015 also describes the description of the flag of Nepal.
96) The triangular style which is the style of the Nepalese flag is also used in the making of dhwaja in Hindu culture.
97) From the religious point of view, white color in the moon and the sun symbolizes neutrality.
98) The top of the world Mt. Everest also exist in Nepal and those vertices represent the Mt. Everest
99) The flag with two pennants was first to introduce in the last of the 20thcentury until then there was no national flag declared on the country.
100) It seems quite considerable that the sun, the moon, and red colors and blue colors are used together, that makes the people feeling peaceful and happy.
Author: Poonam Neupane, Rijhan Maharjan, and Niraj Thapa Magar
Nepal Flag – 100 Facts About National Flag of Nepal