Wishing others helps us to maintain a good bond with them and it can enhance our relations so you can use the following text to show your love and affection towards your loveable persons.
Here we have may God bless you always with text messages, wishes, quotes, and status collection for you.
May God always be with you and may his blessings always and forever surround you. I pray that whatever you do, you shall achieve in your life because you have earned it with your hard work and your diligence. Always be a hard worker and always look to the positive and brighter things in life. And of course, may God always bless you, my dear.
Do not think too hard about anything. Just do your best, work very hard and let the rest be taken care of by God. God will surely help those who help themselves. May God bless you with all of the blessings that you shall need my dear. Have faith in God and all shall turn out to be just fine.
If you have faith in God, then surely you are already halfway to your success because having faith in God means being optimistic, being positive, and looking on the brighter side of things. The other half of the way will be successful only if you put your hard work, your perspiration, and your dedication into your work, my dear. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
Where there is a will, there is a way, and where there is hard work, there is success waiting at the end of the road. May God bless you. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
I know the times lately have been very difficult for you. I just need you to know that you will surely get over this time because this is just a phase in life that everyone will have to get through. May God bless you, dear. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
Please always stay optimistic and always look for a positive sign out there. Please, I want you to never give up on whatever hard work you are doing my dear one. May God bless you. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
If you work hard, if you perspire enough, then you shall be blessed with success and happiness. May God bless you my dears. Always stay happy and always stay positive about my choice. And also do not forget to smile my love. [god bless you wishes]
May you shall find the strength to fight all evils and all the troubles that come your way. I always want you to achieve what you want in life and I shall always be here for you whenever you need any sort of help. I shall be here. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless you, friends.
Make sure that you are doing everything and putting your heart and energy into what is best for you. The difficulties and the troubles will be there on your road to success. The important things are how you choose to tackle and handle them my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless you always.
Blessings are given only to those who work enough and who perspire enough for their dreams and aspirations my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless every one of us.
In this chaos of madness and this many populations, you may find it difficult to make the correct decisions for your life and your future but believe me, if you are optimistic and if you have faith in God, nothing will seem difficult or nothing will seem impossible to attain my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless.
With the wishes of your loved ones and God’s blessings, every single thing will seem just right and just light. Everything will look more straightforward and will seem easier. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless you and your family.
If you work hard and if you dedicate your time to making your dreams come into reality and take a life form of their own, then my dear, you need to open your eyes and ears. You need to be wise and you need to take advice from elders and your loved ones. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. God bless you, my love.
Making enemies are easy but making friends are difficult. So always be kind to every single person because you do not know who you might need when the right time comes. Always work hard my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless you.
If you dream big, you will need to work extra hard for your dreams to come to life. always work hard my dear but at the same time, do not forget to make time for your family and friends as well because times will be very lonely if you only work and do not spend time with your loved ones. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile at my choice. Have faith in the almighty power of God. He will bless those who need His help and His love. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile at my choice. May God be with you.
The divine power of the almighty God is something that no one can deny. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless you and be with your thoughts.
You have been studying a lot lately because the important exams are just approaching near. So my dear love, study extra hard because this is your last chance to prove yourself. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May god continue to bless you and all of us.
If you have enough faith in God, then you do not have to ever worry about anything in life. Just be honest and be a hard worker. Always be kind and gentle and have a kind heart, always remember to spread kindness and teach others to be kind always. If all the people of the world are kind then definitely, the world shall become a better place. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
May you find the motivation, inspiration, and dedication that you shall need to attain success in life. May you always be the one to make the most correct and wisest decisions in life? Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May god continue to bless you.
You should know that God loves every one of us equally and dearly. My dear innocent one, no one can escape the eyes of God because God is everywhere, even within us in our souls and our spirits. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May God bless you with happiness.
If you work hard and if you believe in yourself that you can do it, then believe me my dear one, you definitely will be showered with happiness and lots of blessings from the almighty God. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile at my choice. May God bless you with love.
You can never know the miracles that God can make in the lives of every one of us. We will always be cared for and loved by God because all of us are His children, my dear. So have faith and leave the rest to God. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
Be kind, be gentle and always be yourself. Do not ever commit anything wrong in your life because that shall be a sin. Always make good decisions in life. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. God bless you, my love.
Always have faith in the almighty and just believe in yourself my dear one. If you believe in yourself and if you put your time and energy into your work, then no doubt that you will attain nothing but success in your path and your career, and your life my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear.
Have faith in the almighty and leave the rest by just putting in your hard work into your tasks dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. May god continue to bless you with good things.
Always be bright, always shine and always be kind my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile at my choice. God bless you, my love.
If you work hard and if you have a moral that is positive, you will surely achieve success in your life my dear one. Always stay happy and always stay positive my dear. And also do not forget to smile my dear. God bless you, my love.
May God always bless you, your family, your loved ones, and all of your near and dear ones, my dear. May you find the strength to always do the right thing my dear one. May God bless you.
Wishing and praying that may God always be kind to you and your family my dear. May God always bless you. You can always seek comfort in the warmth of your loved ones.
What makes you strong is not only your goodwill but your strong heart, your strong spirit, and your determination to keep doing the right things for the betterment. May God always bless you. Always smile and always be brave my dear one.
May you shall always be blessed with the strength and the power to overcome all of the hurdles that come your way my dear one. May God always bless you. Always smile and always be brave.
If you work hard, you shall be rewarded for sure. Always smile and always be brave my dear one.
Work hard, be kind, be brave and of course, have the honesty and the courage to make the right decisions my dear one. May God always bless us. Always smile and always be brave my dear one.
Have a good soul my dear one. Always try to take advice from your elders and the ones who care. May God always bless you. Always be humble and kind
It is not so easy to do good deeds in life but my dear, with the power and blessings of God, nothing is ever impossible my dear. May God always bless you and I hope that you always stay happy.
Please do not ever stress over small things in life because if you have faith in God, you will overcome just anything, my dear. So have faith in God and may God bless you every single day.
May God always bless you with blessings and good wishes my dear. I hope you will always find success wherever you go my dear one. May God bless you.
Always make time for your family and friends even though you are piled up with your work because having a good time once in a while with your loved ones is so important. May God bless you my dear one.
May God bless you my dear one. Always stay happy and always keep on smiling because if you smile then you are sure to go for miles and miles on the road to success.
Always stay positive and never be negative my dear. May God bless you my dear one. Always stay bright and happy like you always are.
May God bless you my dear one. I will only wish the best and only the best for you. So always stay happy and always remember to smile my dear.
Please if you need me, take a look around and find help with your loved ones. Other than that, you surely have my help whenever you need me. Do not always stay by yourself. It might result in sadness you know. May God bless you my dear one. Just stay happy my dear.
Preach God in every good and positive task that you plan to do. Spread the word of God and you will find more peace in your mind and soul my dear one. May God bless you my dear one.
If you work hard and if you are focused enough my dear one, nothing can stop you from achieving what you want from life. May God bless you my dear one.
My dear one always is kind and smart at the same time. Take advice from your elders to make the wisest decisions. Always stay positive my dear and always try to stay happy as well. May God bless you my dear one.
Where there is light, there is the love and the blessings of the almighty God. Always try to be positive by searching the light oh my dear one. May God bless you my dear one. I will hopefully only do the best for you.
My dear one always works hard for your dreams. If your dreams are big, then you need to work hard. The bigger the dreams, the harder you should work my dear. May God bless you my dear one.
Let God guide you through your pain and suffering. Time will heal everything, my dear. May God bless you my dear one. Try to stay positive.
I am very sorry to hear the news of your loss, my dear. May God bless you my dear one. May God give you the strength to overcome this difficult phase of your life.
Let God help you through your times of difficulty my dear one. Let love heal this pain. Let faith be the medicine for your troubles my dear one. May God bless you my dear one.
May God bless you my dear one. May you find the strength to destroy all of your evils. You will only find forgiveness if you are truly sorry for all of the wrongdoings. Let God decide what is right and what is wrong. On your behalf, just try to do the right thing, my dear.
You should know that God tests our faith always. In happiness, our gratitude is tested and in sadness, our darkness is tested but at all times, our obedience is tested. May God bless you my dear one.
If you are happy, people around you will be happy, if you are in sadness, you spread sadness. So try to be happy at least for your loved ones. May God bless you my dear one.
Have a strong ambition, have strong faith, have determination and you shall surely know the way. Another thing that you shall acquire is the blessing of God so always pray to God my dear. May God bless you my dear one.
Pray to the almighty God and He shall shower you with love and happiness and of course His blessings. You can never be happy without God’s blessings.
- May you will always be happy oh my dear one. Always be kind and always be generous my dear. Always pray to God at least once a day to keep your faith alive. May God bless you my dear one.
- May God bless you, my dear loved people. Always try to smile even when times may not seem right my dear.
- May God bless you my dear one. Have faith in God my dear because if you do so, then you shall surely be a successful person in life.
- May God bless you, my dear friend. Always work hard and always have a strong determination in your life to get the job done.
- Whatever you do, do it with honesty, sincerity, with a heart full of determination, and always keep yourself motivated because that is the key to success. May God bless you my dear one.
- May God bless you my dear one. I hope that you shall always stay optimistic because if you stay positive, then the world around you shall be positive my dear one.
- Stay safe, stay motivated, stay happy and of course, have lots of faith in God my dear one. May God bless you my dear one.
- Always try to do the right things in life and always make the wisest decisions. May God bless you my dear one. And I hope that you shall always find happiness in your life my dear one.
- Make time for yourself. Do not always engage in work my dear one. Make time to enjoy life too. May God bless you my dear one. Always stay happy and always remember to smile every single day my dear.
- You will only have a bright and successful future if you put in enough hard work and enough determination to achieve and fulfill your dreams my dear. May God bless you my dear one. Always smile and always try to stay happy oh my dear one.
- Always love your family, always love your friends, and always care for your well-wishers my dear one. May God bless you my dear one. Always smile and always try to stay very happy my dear one.
- I hope and pray to God that you will a path for yourself on your own my dear one. May God bless you my dear one. May you achieve what you want to achieve in life, my dear. Stay happy and always smile a lot more every single day.
- May God bless you my dear one. May you always spend your energy on doing the right stuff because if you are on the wrong path, then you are on the way to your doom. So always make the correct decision and always be very wise about what you do in life. May God bless you mine.
- Spend your time and your energy on your tasks and always expect better results every single time my dear. May God bless you my dear one. Always stay happy and always keep on smiling my dear.
- Always have a smile on your face and always stay true to yourself. May God bless you my dear one. Do not pretend something that you are not.
- I hope that you are doing well for yourself my dear. I hope that you are fine and I hope that you are happy with everything that you have achieved in life, my dear. May God bless you my dear one.
- May God fill your soul and your spirit with lots of courage, kindness, love, and hope my dear. May God bless you my dear one. If you are kind and loving, you will be awarded for sure my dear. Always stay happy and always remember to smile every single day my dear.
- May God bless you and be with you. Always stay happy and always smile more every single day my dear. If you stay positive, you will get positive feedback, my dear. So stay optimistic and expect the unexpected, my dear.
- May God bless you my dear one. I hope that you will always work hard and always be determined in every task that you want to accomplish. I hope that you will always be honest and motivated in all of your life, my dear. Always stay happy and always smile more every single day my dear. I pray that you will be surrounded by love and happiness all around because you deserve a break from all of the hard work that you have done in your life, my dear.
- May God bless you, my dear. I pray that you always stay happy and always smile more every single day my dear. Always be prepared for all of the hurdles that life may throw at you. You do not have to break down. You can always seek comfort in the warmth of your loved ones and you can always remember God and ask for His kind love and all of His blessing my dear one. Always be positive and never be negative about anything that you do. It is because if you are negative, nothing will seem right but if you are always positive, then everything will seem just perfect and fine at the time.
- Hopefully, you have enjoyed all of the above-mentioned wishes. You can always try to do simple clever things while wishing others. Always be kind, gentle, humble, and honest. Your strength is your family so you should never take them for granted. Have great days and years ahead of guys and of course hopefully you, too, have a great time having fun. If you liked our suggestions then please write to us in the comment section. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated. Do not forget to like and comment and share the article. We wish that we were helpful in any way possible and will always be ready to serve you.
- Happy Birthday dear friend, I pray that your big day remains full of all the glory and therefore the marvel of God’s unfailing love and that will you’re feeling his presence performing on your life throughout the approaching
- Every day could be a nice day to celebrate God’s extraordinary However these days could be a nice day to celebrate you, one in all God’s most wondrous creations, an extraordinary birthday. May God bless you with all his glorious blessings.
May God bless you always on your birthday my cousin
- Happy Birthday to you. May God shower you with all the blessings you really On your birthday, I would like your relationship with God can become even stronger and God’s love can keep you going. Best Birthday to my dear cousin.
- On your big day, I pray that God can still heat your heart and raise your spirits while granting you peace and serenity on this big day of yours. Best Birthday. May God still bless you with all the extraordinary things in life, my dear cousin.
- The road of religion might is not the simplest to require. This is often the rationale why God provides all of us the option to proceed on our own. Therefore be happy and celebrate the wonderful decisions you created in your life on this big day of yours. Best Birthday my dearest cousin.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- Smile, for it’s your birthday. May God still shower you with such a big amount of blessings for you need to be happy. Best Birthday.
- Birthdays aren’t concerning presents, however, it’s concerning God’s presence too, cheers to you. Extraordinary
- Rejoice, for this is often the day that God created Please grasp that I’m very proud to become a section of your extraordinary journey in life. You could have got a beautiful birthday and then several nice years ahead Happy Birthday.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- Today is one of the foremost special days that God has created. As a result, it’s your birthday, an extraordinary birthday my dearest cousin.
- God won’t count the candles you’ve got on your cake nor the cash in your checking account. It’s the love in your soul that’s what’s additionally vital. Extraordinary
- Best Birthday my dear cousin. I always wish to the immortal god that God can still bless you to the fullest and grant you continued peace and prosperity throughout your life.
May Jesus bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- Wonderful Birthday to you. May the immortal god still keep you young and nice trying all year round. Each day of your life is a present from heaven higher than you. Confirm that you just molding off the paper and lavish on what’s within.
- Enjoy your big day and god will bless you with such a big amount of additional years to return and a good life to measure Happy Birthday.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- Best Birthday dearest cousin. May the approaching years of your life be full of discoveries of God’s love and goodness. Wonderful birthday. Many thanks for having us May you still receive God’s blessings each day of your life.
- Happy birthday. Always keep in mind that celebrating a birthday is the same as tallying what proportion of blessings you’ve got received in life. Therefore be grateful, for God has blessed you a lot. Happy birthday dearest cousin.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- Happy Birthday. Nowadays, celebrate life and celebrate happiness too. May God still blesses you with such a big amount of extraordinary things in life. Remember that God walks together with you on this birthday of yours. However, there’ll be several of your friends walking with you still. Happy Birthday dear cousin.
- Wonderful Birthday. May peace be upon you as you add another year to your life and will God grant all the wishes of your heart. On your birthday, remember in mind that God is walking with you each step of your journey. Therefore glad that it’s your birthday. Best birthday dearest cousin brother.
- Celebrate your birthday however always remember to convey because of God for the numerous extraordinary belongings you have received in life. Wonderful Birthday to you. May you’ve got a blessed day and a good life ahead. God Bless you.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- You are created by God according to his mindset. That alone is enough to provide you with some big reasons to celebrate your life. Best Birthday to you. May the immortal god still offer you enough strength to blow out all those candles in your cake. However, just in case you wish to facilitate, I’m here for you usually. Happy Birthday my cousin.
- If the Lord permits and, therefore, the creeks don’t rise, then I’ll be there to assist blow all the candles on your cake. Happy Birthday my sweetest and dearest cousin.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- I am undecided if it’s very your birthday or if you simply like to sneeze tons as a result of God blessing you with the most extraordinary life. I hope you may have a wonderful day on your birthday and will you’ve got extraordinary years ahead. Happy Birthday.
- On your birthday, may you be full of peace, joy, and laughter all year round! Through the years, as you proceed along with your journey in life, could you still strengthen your lives and produce glory for our God? Best Birthday.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
- Today isn’t solely each day to celebrate your birthday. However conjointly each day to celebrate a good gift from God. Thanks for coming back to our lives, extraordinary birthday to my sweetest and cutest cousin brother.
- Happy birthday. It’s time to celebrate your birthday and therefore the life that God has given you.
You should feel nice because you were created by God. Happy birthday and will God still bless you.
Wishing you an extraordinary May you’ve got an incredible day and nine years to come. Especially, may God grant all the wishes and desires in your heart.
May God bless you always on your birthday, my cousin
My prayer on this birthday of yours could be a life that’s full of joy and happiness. Happy Birthday. I hope that you just can have a beautiful day and plenty of additional blessed years ahead. Extraordinary Birthday and will God still bless you and your family.
Dad is the one that takes all the trouble for you in your life. So a message with a prayer for the dad on his birthday will do a world of good for the dad.
So look for the most beautiful prayer message to be sent to dad on his birthday and make your dad’s birthday special:
happy birthday daddy may god bless you
102. On this brilliant day, I implore that God will give an approach for you to accomplish each craving of your heart. May you never know trouble throughout everyday life? Have a favored birthday, my hero dad.
103. My supplication for you as you commend your birthday, father, is that distress never discovers its way to your doorstep, may your life continue splashing the celestial favors and love of God, and may you have a great year ahead.
104. Father, as you praise your Big Day, may the all-powerful God bless your head with oil and enable your glass to keep running over all the times of your astounding life. Happy birthday.
happy birthday daddy may god bless you
105. On this day, Dad, may God control every progression you take throughout everyday life and lead you to goals that fill your heart with bliss and satisfaction. Cheerful birthday.
happy birthday daddy may god bless you
106. Celebrate, for this is the day that God made you! If it’s not too much trouble realize that I am extremely pleased to wind up a piece of your brilliant adventure throughout everyday life. May you have a brilliant birthday thus numerous incredible years ahead! Cheerful birthday father, may God bless you with a numerous successful life!
happy birthday dad may god bless you
107. The street of confidence may not be the most straightforward to take. This is the motivation behind why God gives us the decision to go without anyone else. So be glad and commend the astounding decisions you made in your life on this extraordinary day of yours. Best Birthday dad, may God provide you with a lot of happiness in the years to come.
happy birthday dad may Jesus bless you
108. Dear cherished Dad, my birthday supplication for you is that you will keep on receiving quality from above to withstand all the searing darts of the mischievous one. Glad birthday.
109. On this brilliant day, I implore that God will give an approach for you to accomplish each craving of your heart. May you never know trouble throughout everyday life? Have a favored birthday.
happy birthday dad may god bless you
110. May you discover extraordinary bravery to never let yourself and your family down regardless of what moves you may confront. What’s more, may the great Lord dependably have the motivation to grin down on you. Glad birthday.
111. It’s your confidence that will make you remain solid yet it’s your birthday celebrations that make you old. So on this birthday of yours, I ask that your confidence in God will develop considerably more grounded, best birthday super daddy, God will always bless you with love.
happy birthday dad may Allah bless you
112. On your birthday, I supplicate that you will discover joy in each progression you go up against on your trip through life, may Allah favor you bounteously on your uncommon day.
113. It is my earnest supplication that Allah will keep you protected from the mishap and dependably open you to wealth and favorable luck.
happy birthday dad may Allah bless you
114. Cheerful Birthday! I ask that your unique day will be loaded with all the eminence and ponder of Allah’s unfailing affection and May you feel his essence chipping away at your life all through the coming years! Happy birthday dad
115. Magnificent Birthday my hero! I express gratitude toward Allah for controlling you through until this day. May His beauty finish you generally!
happy birthday dad may Allah bless you
116. Keep in mind that we are on the whole unique in Allah’s sight. On your birthday, may you be honored with such a significant number of superb circumstances in the coming years and numerous happy returns throughout your life! Best Birthday dad!
117. On your birthday, my desire is for Allah to keep on pouring out his favors into your life and to your loved ones. Be set up to get God’s favors for there will be loads of them. Cheerful Birthday daddy!
May God bless you wishing messages on your birthday dad
118. I can thank constantly the Almighty God for the gift of my existence with such a superb individual like you. May the great Lord keep on showering you with joy, favorable luck, flourishing and great well-being all the times of your life, happy birthday my hero!
May God bless you wishing messages on your birthday dad
119. Happy Birthday, father! May God keep on showering you with every one of the endowments you merit!
120. On this day, may you feel the Lord’s cherishing nearness working in your life! Make the most of your day for you should be happy. Brilliant birthday daddy!
121. Cheerful Birthday dad! May God keep on sheltering you in His care! Keep in mind that on each day of your life, there is somebody up there that is looking down on you.
May God bless you wishing messages on your birthday dad
122. May the Almighty God dependably be your deliverer and shield all the times of your life. What’s more, may He generally fill your heart with all the bliss in this whole universe. Have an astounding birthday, my dear father.
best wishes – may god bless you on your birthday dad
123. As you commend your Big Day, I need you to realize that with God every fantasy of yours is conceivable. May God enable you to accomplish everything you could ever hope for, dear dad, and may He let your heart never know trouble. Happy birthday.
May Jesus bless you wishing messages on your birthday dad
124. May the Lord control you through circumstances of vulnerability, lift you over your feelings of trepidation, and set your feet on strong ground. Appreciate this awesome day of yours with the learning that God has you in His palms. Cheerful birthday father.
best wishes – may god bless you on your birthday dad
125. May you get quality at whatever point you are feeble and peace at whatever point you are grieved. May you have the valor to cruise through every one of the battles that may come in your direction. Remain favored. Happy birthday my hero.
best wishes – may Jesus bless you on your birthday dad
126. May you discover extraordinary bravery and never let yourself and your family down regardless of what moves you may confront. What’s more, may the great Lord dependably have the motivation to grin down on you. Happy birthday super dad.
God bless you always and forever
Following are the messages telling how God will always take care of us. No matter in which situation we are and wish them luck. God bless messages are here written to motivate people to be better people. These messages help people to recognize their weaknesses.
They help them to improve themselves. They help them to build up their character. They even motivate others to influence others to be a better person. These messages let them know they are not alone. They will learn to love God and not fear. They will know that the world is itself heaven.
127) Trust God, trust his timing, his methods, and his ways because a divine shift is coming your way.
128) May the deity’s light guide you through your life ahead
129) May God bless you with what you didn’t know you needed
130) May our heavenly parents love us unconditionally
131) May God has a special and unique place in his plan
132) May your life be blessed with love, joy, and peace
Text Messages on May Jesus bless you always and forever
133) May God resides in your heart always and shows you your way
134) Always expect great things every moment and God will always bless you
135) May God give you a happy life not a perfect life
136) May God give you the knowledge of when you were born and why you were born
137) Start from where you are, make the source with what you have, and start doing what you can God will always be there for you.
Text Messages on May god bless you always and forever
138) may God give you the power of trying and dealing with an error no matter how much you fail
139) May every morning brings you a new opportunity and faith
140) May God always stands beside you
141) God never sends you alone in any situation
142) God is that shadow who always walks behind you
143) God blesses you in every pursuit of your life
144) God always be with you in the act of your giving
Text Messages on May god bless you always and forever
145) God always keeps watch on you and turns every battle of yours into blessings
146) God is always working on you using his time and pressure to turn you into a diamond that always shines
147) May Almighty God always loves you, give you peace, serve you and motivate you
148) May God always hands over his blessings to you
149) When you look back on your life you will gain experience, when you look forward you will get hope, when you look inside your heart you will get God
Text Messages on May god bless you always and forever
150) May you find your dreams, hopes, peace, love, and security, achieve your goals and shine like the sun. God bless you.
151) May God give you a strong heart, great love, and unbreakable confidence
152) May God give you the strength to face your fears and become a better person