Good morning in Nepali: How to say good morning in Nepali? A genuine fellowship resembles a bloom that ought to be consistently kept up to develop more. Social associations, for instance, Facebook have grown up the chances to broaden your kinships generally.
The best, most legitimate, and least expensive approach to getting your kinship all together is to send messages to them to tell them that you have considered them. Here are some Good Morning Messages For Friends which are immaculate to demonstrate to what extent way can two or three words go.
The best technique to state an awesome morning to your treasured one is by sending them splendid extraordinary morning messages. Here we have some incredible and surprising messages that you can send to your friends who have connected you with Facebook which matters for the length you would ever envision.
There are different ways everyone wishes a great morning to their friends and family. Some with a charming grin and others with some tea or espresso. A large number of our loved ones are physically far from us yet even near our hearts.

Find here 44 best good morning SMS in Nepali language and font. We have published here in this post 44 SMS, messages, wishes, text msg, Shayari, poems, quotes, cards, wallpapers, photos, pics, and images related to a good morning. We know that good morning is known as Subha Prabhat in the Nepali language.
So, friends, Get these all greeting messages to say good morning to your friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, relatives, father, mother, brother, sisters, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, lover, beloved one, husband, wife, teacher, students, son, daughters, grandfather, grandmother, etc in Nepali language and font.
Isn’t it amazing to send first good morning messages to your beautiful friend when they are rolling in bed? How do you feel if your message brought smiles and hope to your friend’s face and heart? These good morning messages can further darken your love and friendship. Wish your friend a delightful day. Make them feel special and spread a smile.

Good Morning Wishes, Messages, SMS in Nepali With Image & Quotes Cards
खुशी त्याे औषधि हो
जुन संसारको कुनै पनि बजारमा पाइदैन
मात्र आफुभित्र पाइन्छ

good morning SMS for Nepali:
Bihaniko surya udaya,
tapainko dina banos khusimaya,
asa ra utsahako kirana liera,
subha prabhat, din banos saphalatamaya.
बिहानीको सूर्य उदाय,
तपाईंको दिन बनोस् खुशीमय,
आशा र उत्साहको किरण लिएर,
शुभ प्रभात, दिन बनोस् सफलतामय।
Hareka naya bihana aphusanga,
khusi ra svasthyako kamana liera aunchha,
tapainko hareka pal khusile bharieko hos,
subha prabhat, ajako din ramro bitos.
हरेक नयाँ बिहान आफूसँग,
खुशी र स्वास्थ्यको कामना लिएर आउँछ,
तपाईंको हरेक पल खुशीले भरिएको होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन राम्रो बितोस्।
Bihanako sundara kiranasangasangai,
tapainko jivanama naya asa aos,
hareka pal sukhad ra samriddhisali hos,
subha prabhat, ajako anandamaya din banos.
बिहानको सुन्दर किरणसँगसँगै,
तपाईंको जीवनमा नयाँ आशा आओस्,
हरेक पल सुखद र समृद्धिशाली होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको आनन्दमय दिन बनोस्।
Suryako pahilo kiraṇa jhaiṁ,
tapa’inko ajako dina hos ujyalo ra anandamaya,
prema ra saphalatale bharipurṇa hos,
subha prabhata, ajako dina utkr̥ṣṭa banos.
सूर्यको पहिलो किरण झैं,
तपाईंको आजको दिन होस् उज्यालो र आनन्दमय,
प्रेम र सफलताले भरिपूर्ण होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन उत्कृष्ट बनोस्।
Taja hava ra bihanako sundaratasangai,
tapainko mana santa ra khusile bharieko hos,
hareka chunautilai samana garne sakti milos,
subha prabhat, ajako din saphala ra arthapurna hos.
ताजा हावा र बिहानको सुन्दरतासंगै,
तपाईंको मन शान्त र खुशीले भरिएको होस्,
हरेक चुनौतीलाई सामना गर्ने शक्ति मिलोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन सफल र अर्थपूर्ण होस् ।
Naya bihana, naya urja,
arthapurna ra khusile bharipurna tapainko din banos,
jivanaka hareka palalai maya ra khusisanga manaunuhos,
subha prabhat, hareka kshana utkrista hos.
नयाँ बिहान, नयाँ उर्जा,
अर्थपूर्ण र खुशीले भरिपूर्ण तपाईंको दिन बनोस्,
जीवनका हरेक पललाई माया र खुशीसँग मनाउनुहोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, हरेक क्षण उत्कृष्ट होस्।
Yo bihaniko tajagile,
tapainko jivanama naya sambhavanaharu lyaos,
khusi ra saphalatako sathi banos,
subha prabhat, ajako din ramailo hos.
यो बिहानीको ताजगीले,
तपाईंको जीवनमा नयाँ सम्भावनाहरू ल्याओस्,
खुशी र सफलताको साथी बनोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन रमाइलो होस्।
Bihanako sundara arambhama,
tapainko hareka sapanaharu satya hos,
utsaha ra khusiko sangatama din bitaes,
subha prabhat, ajako din saphala hos..
बिहानको सुन्दर आरम्भमा,
तपाईंको हरेक सपनाहरू सत्य होस्,
उत्साह र खुशीको संगतमा दिन बिताेस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन सफल होस्।।
CHaraharuko mitho gana sundai,
yo bihani tapainlai naya asa deos,
hareka pal khusi ra saphalatako hos,
subha prabhat, ajako din adbhuta hos.
चराहरूको मीठो गान सुन्दै,
यो बिहानी तपाईंलाई नयाँ आशा देओस्,
हरेक पल खुशी र सफलताको होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन अद्भुत होस्।
Bihanako taja havasangai,
tapainko mana harsa ra umangale bharieko hos,
hareka kadamama saphalata milos,
subha prabhat, ajako din hos yadagara.
बिहानको ताजा हावासँगै,
तपाईंको मन हर्ष र उमंगले भरिएको होस्,
हरेक कदममा सफलता मिलोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन होस् यादगार।
Bihanako prakritika sundaratasanga,
tapainko jivana khusi ra samriddhimaya hos,
naya umanga ra asale din bharieko hos,
subha prabhat, aja uttama din hos.
बिहानको प्राकृतिक सुन्दरतासँग,
तपाईंको जीवन खुशी र समृद्धिमय होस्,
नयाँ उमंग र आशाले दिन भरिएको होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आज उत्तम दिन होस्।
Suryako ujyalo jhain,
tapainko jivanama khusiko kirana phailiyos,
hareka din naya sambhavanale bharipurna hos,
subha prabhat, ajako din ramailo hos.
सूर्यको उज्यालो झैं,
तपाईंको जीवनमा खुशीको किरण फैलियोस्,
हरेक दिन नयाँ सम्भावनाले भरिपूर्ण होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन रमाइलो होस्।
Bihaniko sitalata liera,
tapainko hareka chinta haraos,
ananda ra premale din bhariyos,
subha prabhat, ajako din santipurna hos.
बिहानीको शीतलता लिएर,
तपाईंको हरेक चिन्ता हराओस्,
आनन्द र प्रेमले दिन भरियोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन शान्तिपूर्ण होस्।
Naya dinako suruvatama,
tapainko manama naya asa jagos,
prema ra sahasako sathi banos,
subha prabhat, din hos sarthaka.
नयाँ दिनको सुरुवातमा,
तपाईंको मनमा नयाँ आशा जागोस्,
प्रेम र साहसको साथी बनोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन सार्थक होस् ।
Yo sundara bihanale,
tapainko jivanama naya urja bharos,
khusi ra saphalatako parichaya hos,
subha prabhat, ajako din avismaraniya hos.
यो सुन्दर बिहानले,
तपाईंको जीवनमा नयाँ उर्जा भरोस्,
खुशी र सफलताको परिचय होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन अविस्मरणीय होस्।
Suryodayako sundara drisyama,
tapainko din ujyalo ra preranamaya hos,
pratyeka pal khusile bhariyos,
subha prabhat, aja ramro din hos.
सूर्योदयको सुन्दर दृश्यमा,
तपाईंको दिन उज्यालो र प्रेरणामय होस्,
प्रत्येक पल खुशीले भरियोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आज राम्रो दिन होस्।
Bihanako sitala havale,
tapainko mana santi ra khusi pradana garos,
hareka pal arthapurna ra sarthaka hos,
subha prabhat, din hos uttama.
बिहानको शीतल हावाले,
तपाईंको मन शान्ति र खुशी प्रदान गरोस्,
हरेक पल अर्थपूर्ण र सार्थक होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन उत्तम होस् ।
Taja bihaniko yo asa sanga,
tapainko jivana khusile bharieko hos,
hareka kadamama saphalata milos,
subha prabhat, din hos anupama.
ताजा बिहानीको यो आशा सँग,
तपाईंको जीवन खुशीले भरिएको होस्,
हरेक कदममा सफलता मिलोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन अनुपम होस् ।
Yo bihaniko prakritiko sundaratasanga,
tapainko hareka din sundara ra arthapurna hos,
khusi ra samriddhi sadaiva tapainko sathama rahos,
subha prabhat, ajako din adbhuta hos.
यो बिहानीको प्रकृतिको सुन्दरतासँग,
तपाईंको हरेक दिन सुन्दर र अर्थपूर्ण होस्,
खुशी र समृद्धि सदैव तपाईंको साथमा रहोस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन अद्भुत होस्।
Bihaniko yo tajagi liera,
tapainko hareka pal khusile bharipurna hos,
utsaha ra sakaratmakatale din bharieko hos,
subha prabhat, ajako din ullekhaniya hos.
बिहानीको यो ताजगी लिएर,
तपाईंको हरेक पल खुशीले भरिपूर्ण होस्,
उत्साह र सकारात्मकताले दिन भरिएको होस्,
शुभ प्रभात, आजको दिन उल्लेखनीय होस् ।
diyo ma yadi ujalo nabhayeko bhaye
bhawanatamak yo dil majboor hudaina thiyo
ma timilai Goood Morng bhanna jarur aauthe
yadi tapaiko ghar yati tada nabhayeko bhaye
goood mrng

Greeting Cards
new Nepali good morning SMS: for relatives:
ratle chyadar hatai sakeko chha
Euryale Kiran chharna thali sakeko chha
la utha ra thanks bhana aafno bhagwanlai
jasle hamilai yo pyaro bihani diyeko chha
good morning

पहाडमा बसेर तपस्या गर्न सजिलो छ,
तर परिवारमा सबैको बीचमा बसेर
धैर्य बनाइ राख्नु गाह्रो छ
र यो नै तप हाे ।
Good Morning

Nepali good morning SMS: for relatives:
thulo aashale banayeko chha
yasalai Roshan sajayko chha
dherai tadabat mangayeko chha
alikati bahir aayer ta hera
similar Gud Morning Shanna Surya pathayeko chha
Nepali good morning image: for girlfriend:

Nepali good morning Shayari for girlfriend:
surya ko pahilo kirana
din ko Philo prahar
charaharuko pahilo chirbir
hawako sheetal suwash
bihani ko taja mahasus…
good morning
Good morning Shayari For Love in Nepali
बिहानीको सूर्य उज्यालो ल्याओस,
तिमीलाई माया सधैं मिठो बनाओस।
तिमी मेरो दिलको प्याराे फूल,
तिमी संगै रहनु सधैं जीवनकाे मन्त्र मूल। Good Morning!
प्रकृतिको चिसो हावा, तिमीलाई सम्झाउँछ,
तिमी मेरो जीवनको रंगीन फुलबारी हो।
हरेक दिन तिमीसंगै बिताेस्,
मेरो जीवन सधैं तिमीले सजाओस्। Good Morning!
बिहानको मीठो बास्ना, तिम्रो यादमा हरपल रमाउँछु,
तिमी मेरो जीवनको प्याराे संगीत हो।
तिम्रो मुस्कानबाट हुन्छ मेरो दिनको शुरुवात,
सधैं तिमीसंगै बिताेस जीवनकाे हर पल। Good Morning!
सपनाहरुमा तिमीलाई भेट्ने मन,
हरेक बिहान तिम्रो यादले प्याराे हुन्छ।
तिमी मेरो मनको उज्यालो ताराे,
तिम्रो साथ जिन्दगी सधैं प्यारो। Good Morning!
नयाँ दिनको शुरुवात तिमीसंगै हाेस्
तिम्रो मुस्कानले हरेक पल मिठो बनाओस।
तिमी मेरो दिलको नजिकै बस्नू,
सधैं तिमी खुशीहरू ल्याउनू। Good Morning!
सुन्दर बिहानको समय तिम्रो यादमा हराउँछु,
तिम्रो मुस्कानले हरेक पल सिंगार्छु।
तिमी मेरो सपना, तिमी मेरो खुशी,
सधैं मसंगै रहनु साँचो साथी। Good Morning!
बिहानको चिसो हावाले, तिमीलाई माया पठाउँछ,
तिम्रो मुस्कानले हरेक दिन सुरुवात होस।
तिमी मेरो जीवनको उज्यालो तारा हाै,
सधैं तिमीसंगै रहनु मेरो चाहना हाेस् । Good Morning!
सुन्दर सपना लिएर, हरेक बिहान तिमीलाई सम्झन्छु,
तिमी मेरो जिन्दगीको उज्यालो हो।
तिम्रो मुस्कानले हरेक दिन मिठो होस्,
सधैं तिमी संगै रहनु मेरो साँचो सपना। Good Morning!
taja hawama phoolharuko sugandha hos
pahilo kiranma charaharuko geet hos
jab pani kholchhau timi aafo aankha
ti aankhama bas khushiharu ko jhalak hos
good morning
- Nothing can make me so upbeat neither the virus shower nor the winter morning as your shimmering grin… so continue grinning dependably. Great Morning brother!!
- Night has gone removing the murkiness from you… presently the sun is lighting up your day so wake up and acknowledge the open doors given by the sun. Good Morning brother!!
- I would prefer not to wake up, would prefer not to work all I need is to message all of you the day my brother. What can be more pleasurable than it? Great Morning… Have a decent day!!
Nepali good morning quotes: for girlfriend:

shubh Prabhat SMS Nepali: for husband:
Bihanko mausam jasto swargko anubhaw
aankhama nindra ra aanand ko khoj
then parent major a sun ko Asha
tar tapaiko din shubha hos hamro Gud Morng ko sath
free SMS Nepal Namaste mobile: for Radio Listener:
namaskar: bihan ko samacharma tapailai swagat chha
mukhya Samachar: Good Morning and have a nice day.
tapman: aaj din bhari SMS ko barsat jari rahane chha. yadharuko badal lagi rahanchha

Greeting Cards
Good morning SMS in Nepali: for general people:
bus stand,
railway track,
near a gutter,
footpath ma
Sutter ko again,
truck ko multi
basket chat math
jaha bhaye pani suti raheko chhau bhane uthi hali, bihan bhai sakyo….

Greeting Images
good morning wishes in Nepali: for friends:
Are mero sathi timi ahile samma pani suti rahechhau
here ma ta uthi sakeko chhu
bhanchhu bhane ma ta hera timilai msg pani pathai rahechhu
ab ta timi pani uthi hal natra mummy le marnuhunchha
good morning…
shanghai bajaj
jashan manao
humid rakhi
nacho an ago
Khushi le Pagal Bhai hal
mithai pani bat
“ma suter uthi sakeko chhu”
Good Morning and good day
Nepali good morning wallpaper: for Wife:
Good morning! Beauty is everywhere and maybe at every moment of our lives. Look well around it and do not miss even in the least details, the beauty that God gives us daily.

Greeting Cards
good morning Shayari in Nepali: for father:
surya udaune garchha tapaiko kadam ko aawaz le
harek kopila phulchhan tapai uthe pachhi
there a sunny hos aba ta thru hos
kinaki harek din bihani hunchha tapaiko muskuraye pachhi
- Having morning coffee…Watching dawn in the first part of the day presents me with a ton of satisfaction yet a seemingly insignificant detail is absent; you are not here with me. Great Morning brother!!
- We are living in a beautiful world. May your day be as brilliant as nature. Great Morning brother!!
- Without the sun individuals can’t envision life on the planet yet I can’t envision my existence without you, my brother. Good Morning…Have an extraordinary day!!
good morning quotes in the Nepali language: for friends
good morning
leu china khan
;;; ;;;
c(“”) c(“”)
“””‘ “””‘
cup aru plate dhoyer pharkai dinu
bholi pheri pilaunechhu.. have a great day
good morning status in Nepali : for wife:
tirkhalu aankhale na hera malai sathi
ma sanga chiyako 1 cup nai chha
(‘.’) ,’,’,
_//_ “”
piuna deu yar
gud mrng
good morning in Nepali sms : for boyfriend :
gulsanma bhamarako chakkar lagi raheko chha
purba ma suryako dera basi sakeko chha
muskan ko sath aankha khol pyare
ek patak feri bihani bhai sakeko chha

Greeting Cards
good morning SMS Nepali language: for boyfriend:
naya bihani yati sundar bhai halos
tapaiko dukhharulai sabai purano bhai halos
diyi halun yatti khushi yo din
ki khushi pani tapaiko muskurayer diwani bhai halos
Gud mrng… || Good moring
good morning Nepali SMS: for boyfriend
()’”() .-””-. /),/)
(=’.’=) ( ‘.’ ) ( ‘;’)
(“)(“) (,,)(,,) (,,)(,,)
A very very Sweet
Ram, Shyam, Gita, Sita, Mita
Wishing all of You
a Sundar Ramro Ramro Gud Mrng . . . . .
Good morning . . . Have a nice day . . . Take care.

Greeting Cards
hawa sanga ek ichchha pathayeko chha
Roshni ko madhyam le Ek Sandesh pathayeko chha
phursad payau bhane sweekar gari halnu
yo mitra le bihan ko namaskar pathayeko chha
good morning

Gud morning SMS in Nepali : for girlfriend:
bihan bihan jindagi ko suruwat hune garchha
kohi aafantasanga kura bhayo bhane khas hune garchha
haser mayale aafantalai Gud Morng bhana
khushiharu aafse aaf sath aaune garchha
gud mrng
bihan ko ujyalo sadhai sath hos
harek din harek chhan tapaiko lagi khas hos
mutu dekhi nai kamanaa chha tapai ko lagi
sara khushiharu tapaiko chheuma hos

Greeting Images
free SMS Namaste Nepal: for girlfriend:
( ‘;’ )
bihan ko
sweet jast
- I was sitting tight for the morning…And the time has come now. Morning, Wake up my brother. Prepare and come quickly… I’m pausing.
- Cash isn’t genuine riches. It can’t purchase love and fellowship. So I don’t keep running for cash toward the beginning of the day yet I wish you a decent morning to purchase the valuable love from you, my brother.
- Everyone feels humiliated here and there yet I never do because I have a steady and minding brother. Do you know? Who is this?? My brother – YOU. Morning!!
Nepali namaskar sms : for brother :
biti sakyo timro bala sunaulo rat
yad aayo pheri tyahi pyaro kurakani
khushiharusanga harek pal hos tapai ko bhetghat
yasaile muskurayer garnu din ko suruwat
gud mrng
good morning love sms in Nepali : for sister:
bihan ko ful fuli sakyo
chara aafno yatra ma hidi sakyo
surya pani aai rahechha
taraharu pani chup lagi sakyo
ke tapai aafno mitho nindra bat uthi saknu bhayo?
yadi uthi saknu bhayo bhane gud mrng
yadi suti rahanu bhayeko chha bhane uthi halnus
Nepali good morning card: for brother:

good morning quotes in Nepali: for brother:
( ‘ _ ‘ )
(”’) (”’)
lau gari hal kura,
ma tapailai Gud Morng wish garna aayeko chhu
ra tapai ahile samma suti rahanu bhayeko chha
lau ab ta uthi halnus
Say gud morng
how do u say good morning in Nepali: for father:
jindagi bitos tapaiko hasi hasi
prem ra khushi milos sadhai sadhai
badhai chha tapailai naya bihani
sweekar garnus mero Shubha Prabhat manai dekhi
good morning SMS in English: for mother:
– .+””-., ,.-””+,-
#( -_-) – (-_- )#
*>”)(“< >”)(“<*
-.,*,.-”” “”-.,*,.-
God Mrng

Greeting Images
good morning SMS in Nepali: for mother:
Lìttle åñgèls Çömiñg Your wày
to say similar
*.__.* *.__.*.__.*
translate good morning in Nepali No. for the family:
Maya ko Prabhat,
sneh ko Bihan
prem ko mausam,
Preeti ko bola hat
pyar ko Nawaz
ra tapai ko muskan
aaj ko din mangalmaya hos
Subha Prabhat
Nepali good morning picture: for girlfriend:
Good Morning SMS in English: for girlfriend:
+—Hav a Nice+—
How can I say good morning in Nepali: for wife:
thakan nagar dekhi fresh nagar
samma aaunewala nindra travels
Prabhat nagar pug sakeko chha,
yatriharusanga anurodha chha ki aafno
sundar sapana dekhi uthi halnus
good morning

Greeting Images
good morning SMS in the Nepali language: for lover:
yo kunai site time ho?
jab herchhu tab suti rahanchhau?
sara umer suti suti bitaune man chha ki kya ho?
ab the hal a reply garner going! Because I am sleeping…
- It’s morning now…So wake up brother and go to the new spot, new goal, and new statures of your life. Morning!!
- An exceptionally decent morning to an extremely great brother. Great Morning brother!!
- An ideal day isn’t the one that begins with espresso or tea yet the ideal is what begins with you. Great Morning brother!!
how to say good morning in Nepali: for lover:
naya din ko naya bihani drishya
Shital hawala layer aayo Sandesh hamro
uthi halnus tayar bhai halnus
khushiharu le bhari rahos aaj ko din timro
good morning
latest good morning SMS in Nepali: for friends:
bistara sanga garnus alikati dukhai
tapaiko lagi maile rat sanga gare ladai
ra yatti sundar bihan lai bolaye
uthnus hajur gham lagi sakyo
good morning chha hai.:-)
Nepali good morning photo

good morning Nepali message: for GF:
uther hera bihanko nazara
hawa pani chha shital ra mousam pani chha pyaro
suti sakyo chandra ra chup lagi sake tara
sweekar hos tapaile mero bihanko namaskar
Good morning Nepali text msg: For GF
Na kunai mandir na kunai bhagwaan,
Na kunai puja na kunai snan,
Din ko hunchha mero pahilo kam
ek payaro SMS aafno Mitra ko nam
“Good morning”
good morning SMS in English: For BF:
Let me KISS Your LIPS,
Let me FEEL Your TEETH,
let me TASTE Your TONGUE,
this is your friend DANT SAFAI!
reminding You to brush.

Greeting Images
good morning SMS in Nepali Font: For Son:
न कुनै मन्दिर न कुनै भगवान,
न कुनै पुजा न कुनै स्नान्,
दिन को सुरुवात हुन्छ मेरो पहिलो काम
एक प्यारो SMS आफ्नो मित्रको नाम
good morning Quotes in Nepali: For Daughter:

100 Good Morning Messages for Friends in English language
A genuine fellowship resembles a bloom that ought to be constantly kept up to develop more. Social associations, for instance, Facebook have grown up the chances to broaden your fellowships all around. The best, most appropriate, and least expensive approach to get your friendship all together is to send messages to them to tell them that you have considered them. Here are some Good Morning Messages for Friends which are perfect to show to what extent way a few words can go.
Good morning wishes for friends in English
• I woke up toward the beginning of today with a charming little grin on my lips. I recollect the majority of life’s gifts and you’re boss among them. Great morning dear friend.
• Hello fella! It’s another day. Multi-day to have any kind of effect. You know I have your back man. Hello.
• Anytime today, on the off chance that you feel debilitated and do not have the will to proceed, call me. I’ll help you to remember your magnificence and all the superb things you’re prepared to do. Hello.
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