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Where & How Can You/I Find Job in Nepal
The first choice of all Nepalese citizen is the government job. The second choice is INGO. A Nepali want to do job under the Nepal government. There are hundreds of sectors and department under the Nepal government where you can find the Job or vacancy in Nepal. Lok sewa aayog is the one of the most famous job provider in Nepal.
Human Resource
Human resources are the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an! organization, business sector, or economy. It also means a single person or employee ] within an organization. Other terms sometimes used include “manpower” or “people”. The department that oversees an organization’s human resources is called human, resource management or simply HR. Human Resources is also the organizational function that deals with the people and issues related to people such as hiring,, performance management, and training etc.
Human resource is one of the most important means of development. Human beings are the ones who actually mobilize other resources for the betterment of both human beings and the environment. The more a country has innovative, enterprising, hardworking and skillful human resource, the faster it can develop.
It is difficult to achieve the desired economic, social and overall development of the nation without having competent, skillful and dedicated human resources. It is an accepted fact that only skilled human resource can utilize the available means and resources in the most efficient and effective manner.
Human resource is also vital not only for carrying out development but also to sustain them. It is also important for expanding opportunities to all people, particularly the most vulnerable groups and individuals in society. It is important to develop national human capacities to achieve sustainable, inclusive, equitable development and, to enhance well-being of individuals.
Problems of Human Resource in Nepal
- Lack of proper vision and strategy
- Haphazard production of manpower
- No balance between skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled human resource
- Lack of technical and vocational institutions
- Lack of awareness about opportunities, potentialities and scopes
There is need to enhance skills in health, nutrition, water, sanitation, housing, communications, education, science and technology sectors. Formal and informal trainings and coaching are essential for this. It is also equally important to make the people aware of the latest development, scope and their own potentiality.
Surplus of skilled human resource can be exported. Skilled manpower can get better working condition both at home and abroad. The more skilled human resource a country can produce the better will it be for both the individuals and the country. Everybody should get opportunity to work according to one’s skill, knowledge and expertise. It is only then we can achieve the desired social and economic development of our country.
International Companies/ INGOs have following features:
Service that is done in any of the international offices, INGOs, embassies, multinational companies etc is called as international employment. International employment is provided by International communities, INGOs etc. United Nations, International Labor Organization, World Population Fund, etc are the international NGOs. Likewise, UNICEF, Save the Children, World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc is also the example of international employment. Multinational companies like Hindustan Unilever, TNT courier, Dabur etc are the examples of multinational companies. These companies set their offices in different countries to run their organization and business.
1) International Companies/ INGOs will have their head office in one country.
2) They provide their service through their branch offices located in different countries.
3) INGOs are run by the help of international communities and they provide their service in accordance with the geography, religion and political situation of the country they are working in.
4) If the international companies are multinational:
a) They launch new products and export the products from one country to another.
b) They keep in mind the economic status of the people before the produce the product to export in another country.
c) They emphasize on advertisement and supply the product in accordance with the demand.
d) They bring in change to their product according to the need and requirement of the customers
These agencies and companies provide international opportunities by directly employing the staff. The people are also employed by the advertising agencies. So are employed during the transportation process.
Importance of the international employer in Nepal
Importance of the international employer are as follows:
- They create employment opportunity.
- They help to bring new foreign capital and investment in the country.
- They enhance the economic activities and increase the economic condition
of the country. - They help to bring in the foreign knowledge, skills and technology in the
home country. - They create diversification in the production of different items.
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