Get here information and facts about chhath puja. Why do we celebrate chhath puja festival? Get here all the things you want to know about chhath pooja festival of all Hindus. We are here in this article about
1. Introduction about Chhath Puja
2. Name of Chhath Puja in different regions
3. facts about chhath pooja
4. uniting family in chhath puja
5. Greeting the wishes
6. Culture and tradition
7. Pray to the sun
8. All the wishes come true
9. Lights on the earth
10. Story of chhath puja from Mahabharat
11. Story of chhath puja from Ramayan
12. Rules of doing Chhath puja and celebration
13. Things to not miss in the Chhath puja
14. Historical association of Chhath Puja
15. Significance and importance Of Chhath Parva
16. Stages of Chhath (Conscious Photoenergization Process)
17. Benefits Of Chhath Puja Process
18. Mental and physical Benefits from Chhath Puja
19. Importance and significances of Sunrise and Sunset
20. Chhath Puja Celebration places
1. Introduction about Chhath Puja
The great festival of Hindu, Chhath is celebrated almost all over India and half parts of Nepal, and half parts of the world. Chhath has its values and norms. Mainly Hindu celebrates this festival as part of the tradition and culture.
Every part of India has decorated on this day. Chhath is worshiped two days to Sun God. In this festival, mostly the woman’s contribution is more. This is the festival of people who have done any wish contraction and their wish is fulfilled. They start worshipping next year.
As we know that Chhath has many observations and rules to celebrate. It is not celebrated as another festival like we celebrate Diwali and Dashain. Chhath is celebrated with fasting and outside the home that is on the bank of the river or in the ponds.
But we can see some of the men also take fast and worship it. Man and woman both take fast for three days those who are worshipping. The first day is called ‘’
The first day is called ‘’ kharna’’ and, then after another day people with many things of worshipping like as coconut, sugarcane, etc go to the ponds or river at evening. And again people start after sometimes going ponds to take baths and keep worshipping all the puja materials to the Sun God.
And after some time people return to their home and again another day in the morning, they visit same ponds and rivers. People of the crowd are celebrating and cracking the crackers in the ponds. They celebrate and grant the wish that he was facing any problems gets relief from them.
The man or woman who has fast again take bath and worships the sun god after the sunrise in the morning. And after some time they do all the puja and return to their home with all those puja materials.
In this festival, mostly there are Hindus and Muslims who also take part and pray to the sun god for granting the wish.
The most worshiped food materials are’’ thekuwa and bhuswa ‘’ ( made of the flour of rice). After coming from the ponds in the morning, they start to distribute the Prasad that is Thekuwa banana and bhuswa to their own and others. Chhath has also worshipped as the granting the wishes.
The person mainly worshiped this festival for getting happiness and prosperity in their family. A person who doesn’t do also has to celebrate from next year if their wish is granted. This is the festival of making the wish come true fast.
According to Hindu culture, all the things are treated as the parts of the god-like as water, land, sky, moon, sun, and stars, etc. Hindus are the only religion that tells the people the love of the sea and the peace of stars. Hindus are never terrorists because Hinduism is a peaceful and cultural religion.
Person worship chhath also for many reasons that we talk below. As it falls in the month of winter, the month of October, or in November, people make different kinds of dishes and offer them to their guests. Festival has much grace that should be distributed among in the family.
Everybody wants their best and dreams the big. But due to the unwanted obstacle, people fail to fight with obstacles and become poor. The world respect only the shining star, not the falling stars. The person who has nothing is like the animal and behaved like an animal that man does with an animal.
The world is categorized into different races, cultures, and economic groups. Nobody is wishing the good for others. they are just thinking about themselves. The poor person depends on the god and prays with a pure heart for the fulfillment of their demand.
The people of a different country especially the Hindus of the different country celebrate this Chhath in their natural ways. The views of ponds and rivers are more decorating and attractive in the photo.
Wearing the new dress and the sound of crackers are adding the praise and value of chhath. In India, it is celebrated all over but in Nepal, it is only celebrated in the Terai regions by the Madhesi community. Chhath has much power, people worship this festival very carefully without doing any mistakes and wrong thinking.
But this Chhath is also celebrated twice a year. The most valuable Chhath is Kartik Chhath which is celebrated firstly. Chhath has a different name as it is called in different states and countries, that is
Chhath Parv
Chhath Puja
Dala Chhath
Dala Puja
Surya Shashti
People worship this Chhath with great courage and great happiness. Let’s talk about the reasons for celebration :
Reasons Why Do We Celebrate Chhath Puja Festival
1. Unity in the family :

As I have mentioned above people worship this festival for love and granting wishes. In the Chhath, there comes all the family members together and makes the part in the celebration.
As the festival goes up, the relation also goes strongly. All the members of the family help the man who is going to take fast and helps in their working hands. If anyone in the family has something that goes wrong, the mistakes are forgiven because this is the time of festive.
Everybody forgets their past mistakes and the things, start their life and rule of the family again with happy and helping each other. So this is also one factor to celebrate Chhath.
2. Greeting the wishes :
The festival is also known as bonding the relationship and taking care of own. As this is also the festival of celebration in the crowd. The person on the bank of ponds or rivers shares their wishes and greetings to their friends and their relatives.
But remind the great thing wishing should be always positive. There must be positive wishing even though you are wishing to your enemy. positive wishes reflect and act positively. If you wish and think bad for others you will be also in the same falling situation.
There will not be seen the helping hands for you if you had never helped anyone in your life. React and return are two parts of the same coin. If you help and wish someone good, surely you also achieve well.
The obstacles come in our way because we have done some unknowing mistakes, that we forget and raise our foot front.
Hoping well for others is hoping good for own selves. The assumption in the life comes not the most time it gives very less and short opportunity to do and achieve the goal. If you fail in that time, the goal and your wish sink into the water.
Wishes every time don’t mean that giving the gift but also the wanting good for them. it will be meaningless if there is no transportation of feeling is not done for celebrating Chhath.
Chhath itself consists the lots of meaning and mystery. If the communication of wishes is done there will be a construction of a good and longevity relationship. The relationship works as the construction of bridges of happiness and helping.
A single man is like the tree in the garden but the people who are grouped are like the tree in the forest which is more precious. Â So this is also the better and best way to express and communicate your feelings and wishes to your owners and relatives.
And it’s also the one reason to share the love and respect in the crowd of people that seems only in the Chhath to celebrate it.
3. Culture and tradition :
As Hindu is one of the greatest religions of the world. Hindus are bound with many Hindu traditions and cultures. Every Hindus are a part of a Hindu festival. Many festivals come and are celebrated by the people.
Similarly, the Chhath is also one of them which is the most important festival that Hindu has to worship. This festival contributes a lot of wishes and love to the devotee. As the sun god is worshiped in this Chhath, most Hindus take part.
The Hindu and other religious people walk on the path of their religion. Like Muslims celebrate Ramadan, Christians celebrate Christmas day, likely Hindu also celebrates the Chhath as the main festival. The forefathers have taught the path and traditions should be kept continue.
From religion, we get our identity. We know that the person of all religions is the same in blood color, race, and face shape. They all have two hands, two legs, two eyes, and two ears same as other religions’ people have.
But the most determining thing is that our religions from which we belong to. As in the present situation, Muslims are watched as terrorists because of their most criminal activities.
And Hindus are respected all over the world because Hindus are only the person of nonviolence in nature or are fulfilled with humanity. Hindus teach the world the chapter of peace and humanity.
So this is our religion and inside it, we follow the norms of the religious culture. Among them, Chhath is the festival that consists the great importance for Hindu religions. so it is celebrated by Hindu the most.
4. Pray to the sun :
This is the festival of worshipping the sun as God. According to Hindu culture, all the things presented on the earth are treated as parts of god. We are alive only by the powers of the god. But the people of some think them great.
Person worships the sun for two days is in the evening and the morning. People pray to set the sun in the evening as the symbol of destruction and relief of all the sorrow and bad time. And again in the morning, they worship the rising sun as the symbol of getting happiness in life with good times and rays of light.
5. All the wishes come true :
As we know that the nature of the person, they only do the task of profit earning. But doing festival is another task. They worship Chhath to make the grant of wishes because Chhath makes all the devotee’s wish comes true. Every wish cannot be fulfilled at once.
All the demands and wishes are fulfilled one by one. But people don’t wait for time and start to expand even after taking the loan. Looking to others can grow a desire in you but not fulfill the demand and wish. Persons work and expand according to their income structure.
People work hard and hard to become rich or to deposit money in the bank. And to spend more and more on the festivals. Different persons are earning illegally spends more and shows the people. No one is greater than me. But he does not know and thinks that the day is always not sunny, the month does not always winter.
Everyone gets the chance to shine their luck once the time in their life. The person who knows and walks according to the changes of time never become fails in his life. the man is not said great by spending a  lot once time only. Persons of nowadays have become showy.
They are something from the inside and different things from the outside. The rich person spends many buying new clothes and also decorates the home standardly. They spend to buy the new dress for their family members and reaches on the bank of a river to show and prays to good in the new dress by making heart also new and pure.
They think that the god will be happy if the person prays to her with the new dress and the new heart. It is not compulsory to wear new but the dress makes the man feel the change.
So also this chhath is the main festival that is celebrated by all the Hindus, supported by the other religious people. Â It is not the festival but also the place of making the relationship between Hindu and other religious people good.
Love and kindness are seen only by the Hindus, so are recognized by the world. Hindus do have not the stoned heart. This festival grants all the wishes done by their devotee either he is Hindu or belongs to any other religion.
6. Lights on the earth :
As this is the festival of worshipping the sun, it marks that the worshipping of light. All the world or the earth is lighted only with the power of the sun. the sun takes 8 minutes 20 seconds to reach their lights on the earth.
The world will be full of dark, and it is not possible to burn the bulb 24 hours if sunlight is absent. Sunlight consists of vitamin D which is like the energy booster for born babies and adults too.
Sunlight helps us to walk, to do work, and to create. It makes the hand and legs in processing. Similarly, the night and day happen by the miracle and rotation of the earth. People take a rest in the night that is the time when the sunlight is blocked by the rotation of the earth.
This festival carries importance and also makes the people blessed to pray for the sun. the earth will be like the dark lenses without the presence of sunlight.
So in Hindu culture, it is worshiped as a god. They’re also the story related to Mahabharat. The mother of Pandava Kunti has got their first child named Karna by the sun. This is also the power of the sun that the sun shows his power even after one calling and remembering of Surya.
Kunti gets a son named Karna who was also very giving in nature and a great warrior. So also by respecting and remembering the power of god sun, this festival is celebrated by Hindu all over the world with lots of devotees and respect.
History of Chhath Puja
 Chhath Puja has also a historical association. The story that is associated with celebrating Chhath puja is described :
Chhath Puja Story from Mahabharata
 When Pandavas, the son of Pandu were fighting for the kingdom of Hastinapur, they want victory over Hastinapur. But the son of Dhritarashtra mostly the elder son Duryodhan don’t want to give any kingdom either it was the Indraprasth or Hastinapur.
Pandavs said him to return Indraprast but without any consideration the Kaurav tolerate it. It is said that the rituals of Chhatth Puja may even date back to an ancient era, in which it finds a mention in the ancient Vedas, as the Rigveda features hymns adulating the Lord Surya and exemplifies similar customs.
The custom also finds a reference in the Sanskrit Epic poem of Mahabharata in which Draupadi is described as observing the same rituals.
According to the poem, Draupadi, and Pandavas- the rulers of Indraprastha (today’s Delhi), performed the rituals of Chhath Puja on the recommendation of noble sage Dhaumya.
Through the adulation of Lord Surya (Sun), Draupadi not just came out of all her troubles, but also helped the Pandavas regain their lost kingdom later. After the formation of chhath puja, pandas become stronger and get their kingdom again.
The mother of Pandavas Kunti had also a relationship with the god Surya latterly she has got a child named Karna and had flowed away in the water by the closing box. And later the Karna becomes famous in Dhanush vidya and was known as the son of Surya.
The eldest son of Kunti. Kunti’s eldest son Karna, was on the side of Duryodhana because Duryodhana has given him support and help when he was alone and flawed by her mother Kunti.
The yogic or scientific history of Chhath Puja dates back to the Vedic times. The Rishis of yesteryears used this method to remain alive without any external intake of food and were able to obtain energy from the sunlight. This was done through the rituals of the Chhath Puja.
Chhath Puja Story from Ramayana
Another history reflecting the significance of Chhath Puja is the story of Lord Rama who was the favorite king of Ayodhya kingdom and for the people.
It is believed that Lord Rama & Mata Sita had kept fast together and offered puja to Lord Surya in the month of Kartik (in between October and December) in Shukla Paksha during their coronation after returning to Ayodhya from an exile of 14 years.
Since then Chhath  Puja became an important and traditional festival in the Hindu religion. It started celebrating every year in the same month on the same date by people in the Hindu religion by all the people of Hindu and also supported by the other religious people.
This is the power of Chhath or the sun god that the man can achieve the big balloons or big happiness. A man or forest man can also regain victory over Lanka and again become the king of the Ayodhya.
 There are many things which make the man have to be careful. All the dangerous activities can be performed or happen by small mistakes. As we see and know that in the environment in the Chhath is so much touching to the heart.
The crowding environment, smiley faces, and supporting weather have made the Chhath move auspicious and valuable for the worshipper and viewer. So we have to be concentrate on something because prevention is better than cure and also we have to know in the Chhath, without missing something to celebrate.
The ant can make the elephant mad and one pin can burst the big balloon, so the right things that have to do or not to do, have to always keep in mind :